Rego says that because a bad mood rarely has a single cause, there is no single treatment.
To that end, he suggests finding finding ways to talk yourself down from the bad mood ledge.
On the occasion where Miller was in a bad mood, he would slowly sip a neat Old Grand Dad.
FORBES: Friends and Colleagues Pay Tribute to Baseball's Marvin Miller, a Giant of American Labor
It's like when someone sends you a perfectly nice e-mail but you're in a bad mood so it appears rude.
Concentrating debt auctions on fewer, pre-announced dates risks them falling on days when the markets are in a bad mood.
It will put them in a bad mood and lead to a vengeful "what are you doing with your life" interrogation later.
The next thing she knows, it hits her: a full-blown bad mood.
Whether the result is a persistent bad mood, negativity or short temper, the people around you will have to bear the brunt of it.
For some people, a bad mood takes the form of depression, anxiety, guilt, shame, panic or anger, he says, and all are perfectly normal.
If I have posted to the world that I am in a bad mood, you might try to cheer me up, or at least think twice about bothering me.
Graniss reminds us that our emotions can get the best of us not only when we are in a bad mood but also when we are in a good mood.
Nor has Mr Meciar's bad mood been improved by defectors from his party setting up a new one of their own, underwritten, it seems, by a company with strong ties to Mr Lexa.
In her book, Anxious 9 to 5: How to Beat Worry, Stop Second Guessing Yourself, and Work with Confidence, Kase says that acknowledging the root of your anger can help to alleviate your bad mood.
It is true that bad economic data is putting a dour mood on stock investors.
In a rare misjudgment of the public mood, Lula laughingly lamented his bad luck to be leaving just before the largesse arrived.
Beyond obvious mood spoilers such as poor hygiene and bad breath, we each have a distinct natural scent that appears to guide us toward choosing a partner with compatible DNA. Scientists have found that women prefer the scents of men with a complementary set of genes that code for the immune system.
It is fair to point out that there were no fireworks over the Bosporus, either: after all the bad-tempered haggling, Turks were not in a mood to rejoice.
"The mood is one of 'Geez, we hope something bad doesn't happen to a National City, for instance, ' any regional employer ... because that has a big effect, " he said.
No prizes for guessing why: with all the bad debt on bank and company balance sheets, few are in any mood for major credit expansion.
Gov. Snyder needed to veto SB 59, not because the mood of the country has shifted because of the Newtown tragedy, but because it was bad legislation to begin with.
Other complaints may include mood changes, vaginal and bladder problems, changes in sexual function, bone loss and an increase in bad cholesterol.