But the presence of Honda is bad news either way for your General Motors dividends.
The bad news: Gustav made landfall at 10:30 a.m. local time at Cocodrie, La.
But a wave of bad news from major US companies saw all Thursday's gains reversed.
This is bad news for black women, given the reality they are overrepresented in low-wage jobs.
Unlike depositors, these investors could not withdraw their funds on demand whenever bad news surfaced.
However in Iceland, where the puffin has achieved iconic status among tourists, it is not all bad news.
The bad news is that life is messy, and neat experiments few and far between.
FORBES: What Did You Know, and When Did You Stop Knowing It?
The bad news is that only 20 percent of all mail uses this technology.
Bad news travels and Scotland's literary scene is small enough to make it swift.
The bad news is that none of those countries is called United States of America.
Bad news for high-cost, highly leveraged drillers but good news for the U.S. economy overall.
But, this anecdote of the ebook era may not be all bad news for publishers.
FORBES: The Fast-Track to Making a Million Dollars From Writing Books
"Every week here in Detroit we wake up to more and more bad news, " says McElya.
Never have I seen so much bad news about a company I really like.
But the bad news for Qwest is that even if it wins, it loses.
This might be bad news for Mr Vick, but it is good for almost everyone else.
Tony broke pretty much every one of the cardinal rules for delivering bad news well.
Day after day stocks have been falling, and day after day has come more bad news.
FORBES: Student Loan Bubble Sets Up To Be Subprime Disaster Part Deux
The bad news is that we did very little here to affect the emissions curve.
And there are solutions, as explained in this good news-bad news-bad news-bad news-good news-good news analysis.
FORBES: Obama's Failed Response to the Downgrade, And What Should Be Done
Topping the bad news, Starwood's 4% growth in revenues per room is falling short of expectations.
There was further bad news for Pompey as they also lost Armand Traore through injury.
This is bad news if you were counting on three rents to cover your mortgage payments.
Bad news for lighthouse keepers, but good news for tourists with a taste for unusual lodgings.
The bad news is that I had to get that feedback from my very best prospects.
FORBES: How to Landing Your Perfect Investor: Start in the Bullpen
Treasurys stop rallying on bad news overseas and bad news overseas stops getting our attention.
FORBES: There is also some possibility that the world won't end, you know
There had been bad news, and then worse news, and then the worst news yet.
Gary Smith, from the GMB union, said it was "bad news for the economy".
Bad news: Your homeowner's policy offers little protection for business use of your home.
Of course, no contemporary feel-good story is complete without a hint of bad news to come.
FORBES: Guess Who's Getting Saner About Farmers; Hint: Begins with "European," Ends with "Union"