The 3-D animated film should easily outpace the other new film opening this weekend: Bad Teacher.
Third, the chart claims that it take 2-5 years to fire a bad teacher.
Though the movie drags through some dull and witless sections, Bad Teacher can be funny in this way.
Like Bateman and Reynolds, Timberlake has two big movies this summer: Bad Teacher and Friends with Benefits, which co-stars Mila Kunis.
But, in some sort of weird hybrid of Bridesmaids and Bad Teacher, the movie revolved around Diaz chasing down her dream man at a wedding.
Education expert Eric Hanushek estimates that the difference between a great teacher and bad teacher in a child's lifetime earnings is hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Come 2011 he'll have two opportunities--with the comedies Bad Teacher and Friends with Benefits--to prove that his critically acclaimed turn as Sean Parker in The Social Network wasn't a fluke, and to solidify him as a movie star.
Kyra Sedgwick won best lead actress in a drama for The Closer, while Bryan Cranston won best actor for his portrayal as a drug-dealing teacher in Breaking Bad - his third win in a row.
When I had to spank the stuffed animals for being bad, I became the mean teacher.
"With Tiger, after his bad year he started with a new teacher and then he spent 95% of his time on his new swing and not with his putter, " Pelz said.
WSJ: Tiger Woods Should Credit His Return to No. 1 on Improved Putt
He cited a disagreement with the union over arbitration rules for teachers and his concern that agreements across the state would expire after one year, which he said rendered them essentially toothless because it takes at least two years of bad evaluations before districts can quickly fire a tenured teacher.
Two bad ratings in a row from a principal would put a teacher on a fast track to dismissal.
Diane Lang, a mother and primary school teacher, said they were aimed not only at "bad" parents.
Ms. SANDRA HERRERA(ph) (Teacher, Northwestern High School): There are good things and bad things, but I think overall for me, the good things outweigh anything else.
Ignoring bad behavior was the hardest part of applying the techniques, said first-grade teacher Tara Irizarry.
Well, if history is our teacher, he would do better if he had a lawyer, even a bad one.
Assistant head teacher Spencer Doggett explained that the students were also preparing a piece entitled The Good, the Bad and the Ugly about yesterday's budget as well as reflecting the death of Elizabeth Taylor.