Among the possibilities: Bait-and-switch heavy data users off the unlimited plans they signed up for.
California's attorney general, whom we now call Gov. Jerry Brown, declined to investigate the bait-and-switch.
WSJ: Allysia Finley: How Insider Politics Saved California's Train to Nowhere
As it happens, the poster child of this bait-and-switch may be former Senator-turned-lobbyist Trent Lott.
The Loudoun County School Board is not the first to be subjected to the Gulen bait-and-switch.
This may sound like reasonable advice, but it's actually a bait-and-switch strategy and hardly unique to Fidelity.
The worst thing that can happen now is for the state of Wisconsin to employ its own bait-and-switch.
Also, before being bought by HSBC in 2003, Household had already come under fire for using bait-and-switch tactics on interest rates.
Which is small consolation because it means the 9-9-9 Plan would soon become a vicious bait-and-switch scam once enacted into law.
FORBES: Herman Cain's Tax Plan Is a Winner, But Here's Your Exploding Cigar
Employers may also see through the Washington tax bait-and-switch, figuring that they'll pay for the temporary tax cut with higher taxes later.
Like the well-meaning patrons in a pointless line, the perpetual bombardment of bait-and-switch headlines and ads promising cures, shortcuts, and answers can be tempting.
FORBES: Learn From Disney And Let Single Riders Have Their Day
If, as his post-Vietnam record suggests, this amounts to a bait-and-switch trap for American voters, it is understandable that he would object to close scrutiny of the bait.
But in a classic bait-and-switch move, the GISAID board changed that policy after the database was up and running, and now they can sit on data as long as they want.
Bait-and-switch also occurs at car dealerships and rug stores.
FORBES: Sports Illustrated Clotheslines God, Christians and Football
Of special interest is a bait-and-switch ruse where (mostly older) investors are told to liquidate safe, low-yielding investments to buy annuities, which carry steep commissions and expenses and lock investors in for years.
FORBES: How A New Generation Of Con Artists Gets Inside Your Wallet
As I blogged at the beginning of the process in September, that included sleazy mortgage brokers introduced by Lending Tree, who either pulled the bait-and-switch on rates or resisted disclosing what fees they would tack on.
Even if by some miracle a carbon tax starts out revenue neutral, this almost certainly would be the setup for a bait-and-switch in which future Congresses keep or increase the carbon tax and decrease or rescind cuts in other taxes.
FORBES: Carbon Tax: Will Tweedle Dum Snatch Defeat From the Jaws of Victory?
Soon, the video was being used online as a new target for the bait-and-switch Rickroll meme in which a user posts a link to something supposedly relevant or interesting but turns out to be a ridiculous or annoying video or image instead.
Easy enough to do with your marketing materials, your web site and even your blogs, but if all else looks great and you show up for an appointment looking as if you put little thought into your appearance, all your marketing efforts might appear to be a bait-and-switch to a would-be lucrative prospect.
FORBES: Small Business People Don't Automatically Get a Pass on Dressing for Success
Apple released a statement today confirming this, but here's where it gets interesting: the company says that "the developer of this application added inappropriate content directly from their server after the application had been approved and distributed" -- in other words, the guy pulled a bait-and-switch on Apple by serving different content to his app after it had been approved using more PG-rated content.
ENGADGET: Apple behind removal of Hottest Girls iPhone app after all
In hindsight, her assurances and the guidance documents were the setup for a bait-and-fuel-switch.
FORBES: EPA Nominee Gina McCarthy Has A History Of Misleading Congress