Now the gamblers are becoming long-term investors, and the balance of power is shifting.
Reflecting his analysis of the U.S. balance of payments deficit, Levy owns a large position in the euro.
For a lighter option, the brewery's Iron Rail IPA has a nice balance of hops and fruit flavours.
But the balance of our very modest IRA was too high to have any consideration.
Nevertheless we felt quite comfortable with the balance of the car so I am quite happy.
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Whichever way he goes, it will shake up the balance of power in the music industry.
Everyone has a different balance of these networks, which contributes to our personalities, emotions and behaviors.
Take venture capital investment as another indicator of this balance of power tech shift.
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Volcanic processes disturbed the mass balance of the glacier, thereby accelerating the ablation processes.
The balance of power is now shifting back from risk-takers to those who police them internally.
ECONOMIST: How banks can improve their approach to risk management
Say this for Quinn: In a small way he is helping the U.S. balance of payments.
The new congressional balance of power may prompt some changes in the Bush administration.
The remaining balance of the charges is expected to be recognized during fiscal 2012.
The balance of that money flows to out-of-state suppliers, or back to the parent corporation.
The balance of power in commodities markets has passed, for now, from buyers to suppliers.
Such purchases of raw materials still count as U.S. imports in balance of trade.
And what is the balance of risk between accepting the current deal and turning it down?
The government will look to recoup the balance of the money through subsequent stock offerings.
No one can match his prowess based on his unique balance of science, skill and sorcery.
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China will likely post in the second quarter its first balance of payments deficit since 1992.
This strong amaro hides its punch in a wonderful herbal balance of bitterness and sweetness.
FORBES: Sirio's One Of A Kind Beverage Experience - The Amaro Cart
It is the balance of communication bandwidth and especially latency that limits this scaling.
The balance of the 24 hours which each day contains is the increase in leisure.
The trick here, then, is to find the right balance of costs and benefits.
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In theory, currencies of countries with a positive balance of trade are those that appreciate.
"I think what we're seeing is a changing balance of power on the ground, " Elmahdi said.
"We'll have to look at the balance of the side now, " admitted captain Hansie Cronje.
Much of the balance of Penney stores are in free-standing locations, strip centers or downtowns.
However, the Information Tribunal overruled the department, saying "the balance of public interest favoured disclosure".
This gives the net balance of minus 5%, compared with 4% in the previous quarter.
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