It concluded that "on the balance of probability, significant financial abuse of the six vulnerable adults did take place" in the two homes.
BBC: Care home owners may face ban over 'financial abuse'
Perhaps as a result, few people understand that the Family Court has the power to take away your child, for ever, on the balance of probability, in the absence of any criminal conviction.
BBC: NEWS | Health | 'Please don't take my baby'
The inquest heard that nuts, bolts and a ratchet spanner were later found in the slurry and on the balance of probability it was believed Mr Whipps had tried to solve the valve problem.
BBC: Essex farm workers 'overcome by slurry'
"All archaeology is about probability, about the balance of probabilities, " said Lin Foxhall, professor of archaeology at the University of Leicester.
One problem is that investors have lost confidence in bank balance sheets, making it hard to assess what the true probability of default might be.
WSJ: Agenda: Basel III��Don't We Have Enough Problems?