He intended to talk about campaign finance reform, a balanced budget, Medicare and Social Security.
It has been attempted before (flat tax, fewer deductions, balanced budget, etc.) with no success.
And worst of all, Clinton co-opts popular conservative ideas like welfare reform and a balanced budget.
The same drafting error came up when GOP senators introduced a balanced budget amendment in 2011.
Lott said reaching a balanced budget is much harder without the CPI on the table.
But the folks who put a balanced budget above economic growth have their priorities upside down.
Six and a half years ago, we had a balanced budget and a surplus.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
It also would be reflected in a balanced budget, excluding interest payments on the debt.
The proposed Balanced Budget Amendment would also include a supermajority requirement to raise taxes.
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But a statutory debt limit is a poor substitute for a constitutional balanced budget amendment.
My balanced budget will help to hire 100, 000 new teachers who pass the state competency test.
This is the approach we have to take to get America to a balanced budget.
So my balanced budget triples the funding for summer school and after school programs.
Our balanced budget will help another 200, 000 people move to the dignity and pride of work.
And a reminder, too, for Republicans: anything less than a balanced budget shortchanges their 'revolution'.
It would take an act of God to even have a balanced budget, nevertheless pay off debt.
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To move steadily toward a balanced budget, we must also lighten government's claim on our total economy.
As chief of staff, Bowles helped negotiate the 1997 budget, the first balanced budget in 30 years.
Despite what the voters may want, under the new pact countries will have to deliver a balanced budget.
So a balanced budget is a reasonable goal, because it returns government to its proper limits and focus.
California lawmakers are racing to approve a balanced budget by midnight tonight at the risk of losing pay.
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My balanced budget will increase funding for these critical efforts by almost two-thirds over the next 5 years.
"We think the time to get the balanced budget done and welfare reform done is now, " said Gingrich.
Six in 10 likely voters believe a Balanced Budget Amendment is long overdue.
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The press, which prides itself on skepticism, swallowed the balanced budget line whole.
President Bush tried to climb on the bandwagon this week, echoing Democratic calls for a balanced budget by 2012.
George W. Bush pushed us off that ledge of a balanced budget when he came into office in 2001.
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The balanced budget amendment introduced by Senate Republicans yesterday contains a striking error.
We should then adopt a Balanced Budget Amendment to keep the balance permanent.
You say your principles are a balanced budget, a tax cut, extending the life of the Medicare Trust Fund.