Loons, bald eagles and seals are common sights, and you may even spot a whale offshore.
She briefly left, took off her wig and wiped off her bald head with a paper napkin.
The ball slipped on my bald head and went into the net, a great feeling.
Mr. PAUL WEYLAND (Special Agent, US Fish and Wildlife Service): This is a bald eagle.
My gut told me Chloe would not appreciate going to junior high with a bald spot.
Simons, a 63-year-old immunogeneticist recently made bald by chemotherapy, sat down, a bit shaken.
Tall and bald with a hearty laugh, the retired interior designer is neither monkish nor zealous.
"Pretty academic people are moving into this field, " says Cadogan, shaking his bald head.
During the rationed 1940s they grew bored with driving 35mph on bald tires and pockmarked highways.
Read that way, this is merely a bald narration of coming-of-age events in an adult world.
Pollsters here give the bold, bald Hague no chance of ousting Labor in elections this spring.
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The peak that the mountain club called Jimmie's (or James') somehow has another official name: Bald Mountain.
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However, his business partner, Obadiah Stane (a splendidly bald, bearded Jeff Bridges), is unhappy about the change.
The Channel Islands had resident populations of bald eagles, who fed on marine critters contaminated with DDT.
Like many of the Pollocks in the show, "Bald Woman" is densely composed and difficult to read.
WSJ: Men of Fire | Hood Museum | Becoming Jackson Pollock | By Lee Rosenbaum
Polio had a gleaming bald head and hooded, skeptical eyes, and he wore pin-striped suits and colorful ties.
The wind turbines kill indiscriminately, slicing to death federally protected bald eagles, golden eagles, and other cherished species.
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You know, without mixing in other result-skewing personal features like a lush ginger beard and a bald head.
When I inquired, the attendant murmured in Russian to a gigantic bald man walking by in a bathrobe.
Oncologists convince their patients to endure chemotherapy with its well-known side effects of going bald and extreme nausea.
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The wolves also hunt coyotes, meaning the growing bald eagle and hawk populations have more rodents to eat.
CNN: Planet in Peril: Environmental Coverage - Special Reports from
Bald eagles had vanished from all but the remote corners of the county, and they were the national symbol.
Giant cedars, bald eagles and icy glaciers are all part of the scenery in this part of the world.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch | Open the Door to Cool Summer a Escape
Charles the Bald got the western lands, the core of the future France.
He wore a gray sweatshirt and caramel corduroys with the knees and thighs bald, like a worn radial tire.
Residents across the region, including farmer Michael Oxner of Bald Knob, Arkansas, have seen snakes slink to higher ground.
Wildlife ranging from seabirds and sea otters to whales and bald eagles were covered and killed by the oil.
This is a stealth game about a bald guy with a barcode tattooed to the back of his head.
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The bald truth is, though, that only so much can be done to ameliorate the effects of occasional storms.