Trips down the hall with Robot Rachel were akin to walking a city block with a balky toddler.
Balky Web browsing and even iTunes connections have highlighted the limitations of Edge.
And Grunwald suggested the team might put Stoudemire on a playing-time limitation to preserve his balky knees, which required surgeries in October and March.
WSJ: Heard on the Field: Stoudemire May Not Start Next Season
The first generation of the capacitive panels has proved to be a little balky, responding a few milliseconds slower than iPhone natives are used to.
There is one less competitor in the mix, however, with David Garrard planning to retire because his balky left knee has continued to give him trouble.
As guests of the custom-tour organizer Shakti Himalaya, we are ensconced in the heart of village life but with plumbing, (occasional) hot water, and (balky) electricity.
Neither did Anthony, who left a couple of minutes into the second half when his balky right knee, which he acknowledged Tuesday isn't getting better, acted up.
So, the next time you complain about your iPhone, Evo or Galaxy S III, remember: You could still be trying to communicate on one of these balky relics.
The touch screen is frequently hesitant and sometimes downright balky.
" Indeed, other than somewhat balky software, the worst thing Rothman could find to say about NTG was that the players that work with the service are "not iPods.
ENGADGET: The Pipeline: Mossberg on Napster to Go, Dvorak on the blogosphere
But when the 11-time Grand Slam champion heads to the hard courts for an official match later this week at Indian Wells, he doesn't know how his balky knee will respond.
Balky Republican moderates in the Senate have already made enough noise to restore some of the funding taken from Medicaid, Medicare and student loan programs and reinstate minimum federal standards for nursing home care.
Like the balky human hearts its pacemakers regulate, results at Medtronic ( MDT) sometimes skip a beat, but the medical device giant is now so over-sold that it deserves a look by long term-minded investors.
Brandon Belt, a first baseman for the San Francisco Giants, says he relished his stint in San Jose in 2010, even though the low rungs of minor-league baseball meant seven-hour bus rides to games and balky clubhouse air-conditioning in the summer.
In the end, tapping putts for hours may be the most boring form of practice in golf and might seem far more tedious and ineffectual than a new love match or a seemingly sweet new swing that helps keep a balky knee healthy.
WSJ: Tiger Woods Should Credit His Return to No. 1 on Improved Putt