Body cream, shower gel and aftershave balm can also be scented and ordered.
We are partial to the edelweiss lip balm, a protective salve made from the antioxidant-heavy alpine flower.
In the Balkans, the EU offers the balm of membership to heal the trauma of the Yugoslav wars.
Hummingbirds, meantime, fight over the nectar from the bright red bee balm flowers I have planted for them.
But mentioning the goody bags celebs take home as a balm to the recession was a barb bordering on taboo.
The original Chubby Stick is a tinted lip balm, with less pigment than a regular lipstick and requiring less-precise application.
WSJ: Clinique Chubby Sticks Are Some New Products Promising Faster, More Precise Makeup
Painful restructuring soothed by the balm of public spending is about the best Japan can hope for at the moment.
Unemployment crossed 10%, exceeding the 1974-75 mark a little, but with the balm of consistent consumer prices, unlike thirty-five years ago.
Some studies tested blends of valerian with other herbs, such as lemon balm, a minty plant purported to be calming, she adds.
One deal brought Lornamead both hand-washing liquid Dubro and lip balm Lypsyl.
Tell you what, you get a nap and a massage after I get home while I prepare that coco balm(ph) that you love.
Such loyalty will be balm to the souls of his forty million readers, who have come to accept the book as holy writ.
Obama and his crew talk of green shoots and signs of stability in the financial sector to try to apply balm to overwrought psyches.
In recent months, NITC has incorporated companies such as Anchor Shipping, Balm Shipping, and Camellia Shipping at the Singapore-based Tuvalu registry of international companies.
But faster economic growth could at least prove a useful balm.
Two sips of a tart lemon balm martini brought back the blurred headlights of taxicabs on a rainy street and the shriek of a trombone in a ballroom.
The 33-year-old soothes his ears with balm massages after contests.
Yet Cintas' top-line growth is now being driven by ancillary products, such as fire extinguishers, air fresheners, bandages, cough drops and lip balm, and services like document-shredding and restroom-cleaning.
If there is any balm for Google's haters, it is the recognition that Google plays the same game as the portals -- just a little differently, and much better.
ENGADGET: Editorial: FTC and Google -- why the right decision feels so wrong to so many people
Three-foot fronds of dill swayed back and forth, their brimming umbels of flat seeds spilling everywhere, and the lemon balm crept across the brick border when no one was looking.
Nearby were sacks of mugwort, yarrow and bee balm, all of which Mr. Hunt uses to make a little-known style of beer called gruit, brewed in a centuries-old tradition, without hops.
Unidentified Man: Men, deodorant, lip balm, we're not kidding.
With the cutting finished, my face is wrapped in another hot towel before a face cream is massaged into my cheeks and a further hot towel is applied, followed by some aftershave balm.
New lip balm offerings followed, along with new market opportunities such as the U.S. "We don't have hundreds of millions to spend in advertising, but multinationals are not always the drivers of innovation, " he crows.
My hosts at Majdac farm show me a list of a dozen different plants - including balm mint, dandelion, dog rose, thyme, nettles and two types of violet - that make the delicious tisane that is offered instead of tea.