New Yorkers and tourists were jammed into the streets on this balmy 60-degree evening.
In the winter the peaks may be covered in snow, while the coast remains relatively balmy.
Yesterday in Portsmouth, the wind was just howling, but today is a positively balmy 6 degrees.
It's easy to forgive short-sleeves in a climate that is often balmy and sometimes scalding.
Wraeclast took itself off to bed one balmy evening and, come morning, it failed to wake.
Step inside and test it out - you'll really notice the difference if visiting on a balmy day.
In a choice between balmy Caribbean weather and credit derivatives, it is probably a lot easier to sell the former.
After dinner on that balmy September evening Landau and Letelier continued their conversation as they walked out of the house.
Just now, for instance, Lebanon is riding a boom in tourism and construction, a sudden balmy spell following years of turbulence.
If it has an atmosphere like Earth's, with a corresponding greenhouse effect, its average surface temperature would be a balmy 22C.
The sun is just as bright, the air just about as balmy, and the water as warm as it ever gets.
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On a balmy November night in Mumbai, Mukesh Ambani and his wife Nita welcomed guests into their newly completed 27-story home.
When I see the sun, blue sky and feel balmy breezes on my skin, my inner voice of resistance looses its strength.
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Increasingly balmy temperatures mean more moisture in the air, which creates mold.
This is why it was no surprise to find ourselves seated next to the affable and slightly owlish Didier Ludot on a balmy summer night.
So can the chilly Baltic teach the balmy Mediterranean this superhuman feat?
This is the only way to leave the French capital, preferably on a balmy summer evening from Gare de Lyon or Bercy station.
Grab a two-wheeled machine from any of the 250 docking stations and you will quickly discover that cycling suits this flat, balmy metropolis.
Moscow's powerful mayor, Yuri Luzhkov, makes sure that young men from his city serve either locally or on Russia's balmy Black Sea coast.
When the summer arrives and the thermometer hits a balmy 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and all their pasty white bodies are suddenly and frighteningly revealed.
There are plenty of budget-minded locales that are light on your wallet, but still heavy on balmy temperatures, swaying palm trees and beautiful beaches.
Tourism, seen as the main vehicle for future growth, has plummeted: Dubai itself is placid, balmy and cheap, but looks uncomfortably close to Afghanistan.
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Visitors can swim under waterfalls or in natural pools, explore miniature caves and dive off a 5m-high wooden platform into the balmy waters below.
In Atlanta, meanwhile, shorts-wearing residents basked in the balmy weather as it and two other major Georgia cities set record highs for this date.
There is spring in the air in balmy Geneva, where it seems a good idea to whip the roofs off and cruise along the lake.
He popped up on CNBC a week ago from balmy Florida to give his thoughts on the economy in exchange for the chance to quickly plug Swisher shares.
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Soon, physicists were cooking up ceramics that superconducted at around 90K. This may not sound all that balmy, but it is above 77K, the boiling point of nitrogen.
By 1898, the 38-year-old Chekhov had moved to Yalta on the Black Sea, in the vain hope that its balmy climate would aid his struggle against his disease.