The most interesting thing about the nation's most storied community is its hum-drum banality.
Much of the time, Solondz works deep within banality, which he finds both sad and funny.
Most writers would get through this banality as quickly as possible, but not Knausgaard.
Its images of death have a soothing banality, like a greeting-card message from the world beyond.
The banality of what is taught is quite astounding, and I think students leave with no real appreciation.
Mr Schlink's seductress evokes the banality of evil, but it is the Reader's life-story that is really tragic.
Pirate cosplay allows people to escape the banality of work-a-day life, he said.
Again, the banality is so extreme that it turns into its opposite, and becomes distinctive, curious in its radical transparency.
But he taunts Kozlowski for the "banality" of the infamous shindig in Sardinia, which lacked "recognizable names" or truly outlandish partying.
If the underside of banality is black comedy, the underside of dark comedy may be an almost limitless reserve of pity.
And yet, for all its banality, this is a highly entertaining production, which keeps the majority of its audience amused for hour after hour.
Fierce women fight the world out of its boredom and banality.
The large office buildings, arranged in a spiraling cluster around the memorial sector, will be a far more proportionate and elegant addition to the skyline than the twin towers' bruising banality.
The instructor, who was supposed to be this well-known writer, even though Aviad had never heard of him, told her that there was something soul-piercing about the banality of the ending, or some other piece of crap.
The cinematographer, Frederick Elmes, produces an even, gray light that is quite handsome in a neutralizing way but also sobering and almost punitive it says that the American banality in which the characters live is all there is.
The stunning banality of the libretto, by Mr. Wainwright and Bernadette Colomine, reaches its apex here, with lines like "Your beauty intoxicates me, " while Tim Albery's directing of this opera-within-an-opera references old-fashioned stand-and-deliver style at its most wooden.
The Atlantic headlined its story "The Banality of Seth MacFarlane's Sexism and Racism at the Oscars" and opened with a vignette of the host's brief introduction of Meryl Streep: "Our next presenter needs no introduction" before walking away.
That's why one's heart sinks at the banality of Mr. Weitz's screenplay, and the clumsiness of most of the cast: Dennis Quaid as the befuddled president, Marcia Gay Harden as his wife, Hugh Grant as the TV show's smarmy host, Chris Klein as an amorous soldier and Sam Golzari as Omer, the singing assassin.