The much bandied about hard cap, would lessen the gulf between the highest and lowest spenders.
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And his name is being bandied about as a candidate for mayor of New York City.
But the figures are now bandied around in the media and it's devalued its importance.
Bandied about in the fashion world, the phrase has a place now in food too.
Most of the immigration proposals being bandied about in Washington offer something in exchange for something else.
Fortunately, a new, more humane approach is being bandied about, which includes the "bailing in" of overseas lenders.
No formal offers have been received, so any figures being bandied about are pure speculation at this stage.
Such figures are sometimes bandied around to imply that nearly all of this gap is caused by discrimination.
Some of the numbers bandied about in policy discussion were quite imaginative and we wanted a more defensible estimate.
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Mr Cameron said he had heard "all sorts of names being bandied around".
That is not far off the newly lean proposals bandied around in Congress.
In looking for drivers to the market action, there were various excuses bandied about on Tuesday for the slack action.
The idea of innovation is often bandied, touted and proclaimed in this era of radical technological, social and economic change.
But by a lot smaller margin than people generally recognise: or than by he numbers that are generally bandied about.
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For the last few years, a common question has been bandied about, from technology conferences to op-ed columns: What is Yahoo?
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It's bandied around by celebrities and on lifestyle shows and applied to everything from fasting to colonic irrigation to going vegan.
That would leave a net contraction of one team, a result that Selig has bandied about before for his over-expanded league.
The third party (a new phrase, much bandied about in China these days) in a divorce could be sued for damages.
At least one potential solution doesn't require federal legislation: the "No Net Tax" plan that many business leaders have bandied about.
But when words like "windfall" are bandied about, unexpected consequences can follow.
It's also downright worrisome that no battery life figures were bandied about.
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It has been bandied around there have been a few fracas etc.
On the EU front, there are some more plans being bandied about by EU officials and the IMF, which is really nothing new.
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Enter the Marietta, Georgia, case of 30-year-old Raquel Nelson, which has been bandied about in the comments section the last few days.
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The design work had obviously started a little before as concept art was released and some ideas for skill trees were bandied about.
As for the story that you reference, obviously there are a lot of ideas that get bandied about, both within the administration and outside.
"A lot of the commentary frankly was quite similar to the ideas that are being bandied about for the property market today, " he says.
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Whatever the precise numbers, they're clearly more complex than the simple figures being bandied around by the pipeline's corporate and political backers might imply.
Many believe the Florida legislature won't overturn the law, but changes have been bandied about by the Republican majority, which is a good thing.
Several candidates are being bandied around by the media, but Mr Reinfeldt says he will not name names until the first week of October.
ECONOMIST: Out with the Social Democrats, in with the Moderates