The answer is because raising more is excessive dilution, and dilution is the bane of returns.
The issue, the bane of so many past coalition governments, is state and synagogue.
Weak, volatile and eventually worthless money has been the bane of countries throughout history.
One, says Mr Bane, is if the fibre-optic capacity glut turns into a supply shortage.
He claims, unconvincingly, that this hands-off approach has already banished the bane of the Internet, spam.
By the same token, this boon to the eastern ports could be a bane to the western ones.
ECONOMIST: Fears that a new and improved Panama Canal will divert trade
For other big firms, such as Sony and Panasonic, the fetish of production can be a bane, however.
And "language" suggests masked villain Bane (Tom Hardy) could provoke Batman's potty mouth.
But as is often the case with digitization, the boon carries a bane.
Aging is the bane of the elite athlete, but over the past generation, the aging process has been perverted.
Yet the bane of insurance is that every time rates rise, new capital rushes in, bringing rates down again.
ECONOMIST: Reinsurers are taking on less risk, at a higher price
Nor will Intercytex's technique do anything about that other bane of ageing, the tendency of hair to go grey.
There are some places where technology has become a bane to our very existence, and one of these is robocalls.
"Stair 10, the escape stair from the auditorium, has been the bane of my life since March 2011, " said Andy McGoldrick.
After all, the original Child Support Act, bane of the previous government, passed the House of Commons without a single dissenting vote.
The bill--created and passed in nanoseconds in 2002--has been a boon for lawyers and accountants and a confusing, expensive bane for everyone else.
No, Bane is not an avatar for OWS. Bruce Wayne is not a small-government hero come to ward off the squalid, criminal masses.
FORBES: 'The Dark Knight Rises' Is Not About Occupy Wall Street
Nolan has gone in the opposite direction with Bane: Hardy has bulked up for the role, and his motions are powerful but controlled.
If not, clan warlords, the bane of Somalia for decades, may again come to the fore, with support trickling back to the Shabab.
This may have benefitted corporations in the broader economy, but it has been a bane for retirees surviving off the interest paid on their savings.
FORBES: Investing as a Retiree In a Zero Interest Environment
This means they will also struggle to keep people who have lost their jobs from turning into that dreaded bane to governments: the long-term unemployed.
Spam and Pop-Ups broke onto the scene almost as fast as the Internet allowed and quickly became the bane of any legitimate marketers existence.
This time, Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale), dragged from a wasteful retirement, takes on a brute named Bane (Tom Hardy), who is masked and barely comprehensible.
Red lights, the bane of every unpunctual driver the world over!
One bane for those investing in alternative energy sources is that tax credits aren't set for long enough periods of time to make long-term planning possible.
While Skrillex and his peers have gained popularity by producing their own music, they generally release it free, rendering piracy, the bane of traditional artists, irrelevant.
The big bane of so-called advanced biofuels is that while they can be produced readily in the lab, building factories of meaningful size is extraordinarily difficult.
Here it is the humble controller that has lost its wire in favor of charging, and is in danger of becoming the bane of family life.
FORBES: Battery Life is an Often Overlooked Family Essential
Once the bane of environmentalists, the nuclear industry enjoyed newfound "green" credentials as a cleaner alternative to coal-fired plants that belch greenhouse gases to produce electricity.