He also penned the Ricky Martin hits Livin' La Vida Loca and She Bangs.
The girl looked like a rag doll, with her striped stockings and limp bangs.
Bad backs are par for the course and bangs and bruises are to be expected.
"Dry shampoo is the best friend of a girl with bangs, " Ms. Atkin says.
Also, bangs require extra daily care to keep them from looking oily and limp.
He had long, dark bangs and a suggestion of whiskers on his upper lip.
The galley-style kitchen is so tiny that the refrigerator door bangs into the dishwasher, Ms. Copeland said.
He presented a montage of shots featuring him with bangs similar to those sometimes sported by his wife.
The mood was tense, with the few neighbors who ventured out hugging and crying as they heard bangs.
When considering bangs, Ms. Atkin suggests thinking about your facial features, because bangs tend to call attention to them.
Eyewitness Alan Reeves said there "were loud bangs" when the car's tyres exploded.
Yet, even in a wheelchair, Sara would always arrive smiling, makeup on and bangs bobby-pinned out of her eyes.
There were several very loud bangs and fire coming out of the engine.
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His hair, which is white, often hangs over his eyes in unkempt bangs.
In the cramped offices of the Wolf Recovery Program, Smith and Bangs struggle over the fate of fugitive wolves.
Since most of the Nez Perce pack are still in the pen, recapturing the stray is not Bangs' top priority.
John Bangs of the National Union of Teachers has warned of "enormous" numbers of errors in the system this year.
In South Korea's omnipresent "PC bangs" ( bang means room in Korean), millions lose themselves in virtual worlds day after day.
There were no bangs and whistles, and yet the nugget of their idea was so compelling I began using it immediately.
Police used "flash-bangs, " devices meant to stun people with a loud noise, and negotiated with Tsarnaev for about half an hour.
He said snow was thrown at his wife, Joy, 69, outside their home after she heard bangs on the front window.
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Robert Anderson's small farm, Gourmet Garlic Gardens, in Bangs, Tex. (915-348-3049, www.gourmetgarlicgardens.com) sells its entire crop, all 35 varieties, via the Web.
Police used "flash-bangs, " devices meant to stun people with a loud noise, and started 20 to 30 minutes of negotiation with Tsarnaev.
Suddenly, "This girl was shrieking, " followed by loud bangs just seconds later.
"I'm getting a call from a rancher, yelling at me because the wolves are out and the killed some sheep, " Bangs says.
When styling your hair, spritz on a texturizing spray to give bangs a little more volume, perhaps touching it up later, she suggests.
Many people thought it was thunder, or fireworks or one of the occasional bangs from a local foundry, the biggest employer in town.
John Bangs, assistant secretary for the National Union of Teachers, said the union was not worried about the rise in applications for special considerations.
The group, whose hits include Fools Gold and She Bangs The Drum, formed in 1983 and recorded just two albums before breaking up in 1996.
The juice pack virtually doubles the battery life of the iPhone and its soft touch hardware also provides protection from device bumps, bangs and drops.
ENGADGET: Mophie's $80 Juice Pack Air ships to power-hungry iPhone 4 owners