Banister is doing more investments in later-stage companies after they are generating revenue.
Topsy is backed by BlueRun Ventures, Ignition Partners, Founders Fund and Scott Banister.
"That doesn't seem like a lot of money to me, " says Scott Banister.
Red treated glass pieces are cut into the mahogany steps that lead up the party space, along with a red leather-wrapped banister.
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Goldbloom points out that before Roger Banister broke the four-minute mile in 1954, few thought that anyone could run the distance so quickly.
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Banister later lost his CPA license and was disbarred from practicing before the IRS, but he is still an active leader in the movement.
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His coat still hangs on the banister at the bottom of the stairs in the house we grew up in, just as he left it.
Cyan Banister, an angel investor who has invested in 73 startups over a span of eight years, said she has recently slowed down her investment pace.
Workers' compensation rose by more than 9% a year in dollar terms from 2002 to 2006, according to Ms Lett and Ms Banister, and by over 11% in the cities.
Ms Gillie's attention was drawn to Vaseline on a banister and she started to wipe it but her foot slipped and she fell several steps before hitting a wall.
For example, Banister invested in health startup Practice Fusion.
Ms Banister points out that, in the 1953 census, the sex ratio at birth was more or less normal, but that at every age up to 14, girls were more likely to die than boys.
They are smaller where there are fireplaces or built-ins, and they are far narrower in the center, where one can just about touch a finger on a stair banister and the other on the far wall.
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Like many Moscow apartments, it did not look much from the outside - a heavy, grey-steel security door, a scruffy communal entrance hall, a grand old staircase with a cast-iron banister spoiled by multiple layers of shiny, off-blue institutional paint.
China has the world's largest manufacturing workforce: more than 112m people at the end of 2006, according to Erin Lett, formerly of America's Bureau of Labour Statistics, and Judith Banister of the Conference Board, who include enterprises in China's towns and villages, where 70% of its metal-bashers work.