This was the case with the famous Pecora Commission, the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency formed in the period between President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's election in November 1932 and his inauguration in March.
Modern Latin American economic history is littered with the detritus of defaults, banking crises and currency controls.
Economic factors take into account banking services and currency exchange laws.
Of these balloons, 44 popped badly (resulting in a banking crisis, currency crisis or both) and another 13 very badly, with a 9% contraction of GDP on average.
Of course Iceland has been in the news recently because of the meltdown of its banking system and its currency.
And government policy makers worry that money that arrives quickly can leave just as fast, destabilizing local banking, stock and currency markets.
WSJ: Asian Governments Take Measures to Battle Strong Currencies
The combination ticks every box, bringing a presence in key markets for Chinese clients and exposure to a sophisticated foreign firm with skills in areas like investment banking and foreign-currency funding.
The most common measure of the monetary base is bank reserves plus currency outside the banking system.
Are Indonesian banks any less flawed or crude than those of Bulgaria or Estonia (which had a dysfunctional banking system prior to its currency board)?
Those reserves bloat the monetary base (reserves plus currency outside the banking system), but they have not been used for money-creating bank lending and investing.
The asset expansion has produced a sharp rise in bank reserves, and hence the monetary base, which is composed of bank reserves and currency outside the banking system.
Battered by a property crash, a banking crisis, a devalued currency and a decline in exports, the beleaguered economy provides a challenge for even the most competent of administrations.
This conundrum may also be viewed in terms of the significance of the behavior of the monetary base, which is a combination of bank reserve deposits at the Fed (both required and excess) and currency outside the banking system.
FORBES: The Surge in the Money Supply: Meaningful or Meaningless?
Steady remittances can offer a secondary boost if they are securitized by the banking intermediaries, thus providing hard currency to back borrowing in places where capital is short.
Those fearing the collapse of their local currency or their local banking system won't have to lug around hunks of metal as a way to store their wealth.
On the one hand, that could slow down the buildup of yuan in Hong Kong's banking system as more of the currency exits the territory to pay for Chinese goods.
WSJ: The View From Hong Kong: Walking a Fine Line on Yuan Trade
Europe's single currency will erode national banking borders.
According to a chapter in this latest OECD Economic Outlook (in which it saw a risk of stagflation for the global recovery), 60% of the 260-odd recent examples of countries receiving large inflows of capital have ended in a sudden and destabilising way, and one in 10 have ended in either a currency crisis or a banking one (maybe both).
If banking bureaucrats cannot manage a single fiat currency, what on earth makes anyone think they can manage two linked together?
FORBES: Mundell's Dollar/Euro Fix Doesn't Fix Our Currency Mess
The lack of unified euro-zone banking supervision also created a problem that the currency-area theorists failed to foresee.
It is still early days but as bitcoin bypasses traditional banking and financial institutions, it is a currency off the grid just as System D.
Soon, however, the White House admitted the president had himself erred, having approved a White House coffee guest list that included DNC officials, Comptroller of the Currency Eugene Ludwig, and several banking executives.
The president urged Europe's leaders to help the troubled banking sector and warned Greece not to leave the currency union.
Bernanke is worried about the parlous state of the de-leveraging U.S. economy, and possibly worried that the U.S. banking sector is not strong enough to weather more currency turbulence.
It is true that the Monetary Base, which used to be considered high-powered money because it consists of currency outstanding plus the reserves of the banking system, expands with the expansion of bank reserves.
You'll recall that George Osborne departed from that script last week, when he set out the negotiating stance of the rest of the UK on sharing the pound sterling as a post-independence currency, along with oversight and central banking by the Bank of England.
It has to have a stable, trustworthy government that is carrying out a set of constant development reforms that bring in new industries, reform the banking sector and have a good amount of foreign currency reserves in order to pay for foreign obligations and protect against attacks on their currencies.
Last but not least, here is my video on the origin of central banking, which starts with an explanation of how currency evolved in the private sector, then describes how governments then seized that role by creating monopoly central banks, and closes with a list of options to promote good monetary policy.
FORBES: With The Twist, The Federal Reserve Is Pushing On A String
By contrast, Iceland's own banks accounted for all its banking liabilities, and most of these were in foreign currency.
ECONOMIST: The pound��s plunge is hurting, but pain is part of the remedy
Merrill Lynchs chief investment strategist, Charles Clough, explains why: The currency collapse in Southeast Asia reflects weaknesses in banking there.