But the director argues that his ruthless appropriation of the Bard makes a statement.
Bard and Tyco of creating a monopoly in catheters and Premier and Novation of enabling it.
Bard, which produce medical supplies, and Premier and Novation for conspiracy to monopolize, among other charges.
" The Bard wrote a second play that included Plump Jack, "The Merry Wives of Windsor.
By the time they reunited in 1980, Bard says, his mother, Yolana, had become a wealthy fortune-teller.
Chinua Achebe came to Bard after suffering an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down.
Its leader, or bard, Tony Jameson, says Druidry is functioning more and more as a mainstream religion.
Our Top ROI colleges list is chock full of small liberal arts colleges like Williams, Wellsley and Bard.
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That launched Bard's career in Japan, home to half his clients even though he does not speak Japanese.
The Liberal Democrats have chosen Abertillery councillor Steve Bard for the assembly seat and Amy Kitcher for Westminster.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | MP's widow to fight assembly seat
This year's Bard Festival asks us to discipline ourselves against received 20th-century prejudices.
Bard and his mother had led the police to a site 30 kilometers from where the bodies were discovered.
Other competitors in the healthcare sector include: Covidien (COV), CR Bard (BCR), and ICU Medical, Incorporated (ICUI).
Mr. Mead is a professor of foreign affairs and humanities at Bard College.
Bard says that three fifths of his clients are in the financial industry.
Who better than the bard to highlight London as a global city where more than 250 languages are spoken?
The so-called death head was made when the bard's grave was opened for the burial of his wife in 1834.
Bard's EndoCinch is essentially a miniature sewing machine that puts pleats at the junction of the stomach and the esophagus.
As the Bard most aptly put it centuries ago, one can be full of sound and fury yet signify nothing.
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The highlight of the week for many was the chairing of the bard ceremony held at the Pavilion on Friday.
Lee will be signing autographs for fawning comic collectors and neo-Bard lovers alike at the 1821 Comics booth at NYCC.
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Elsewhere on Monday, Professor Stanley Wells, chairman of The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, unveiled a newly identified portrait of the Bard.
It turns out we can for taxes too, for new evidence suggests the bard was a bit of a tax cheat.
"This makes me think about myself, looking at her, " said Quinn Moreland, 20, also a Bard student, majoring in art history.
In the 13th century a great Icelandic bard, Snorri Sturluson, wrote of dark elves who live in caves below the ground.
You can watch an authentic performance from April to October or visit the year-round exhibition on the bard's life and times.
If, as the Bard wrote, brevity is the soul of wit, the six-second time limit could in fact inspire creativity.
Scots can be insular, but on a good day, they take the national bard's advice to see themselves as others see them.
Details are sketchy, but the bard was evidently pursued for tax evasion.