The recent financial crisis proved that the sort of qualities that men pride themselves on, such as risk-taking and bare-knuckle competition, can lead to disaster.
Dr. Joseph Estwanik, an orthopedic surgeon who helped get mixed martial arts legalized in North Carolina, also helped develop the glove that brought the Ultimate Fighting Championship out of the bare-knuckle era.
What does it say to those boards gearing up for a bare-knuckle fight with local protesters if this controversial decision by Betsi is reversed by the Health Minister, however great the pressure on her?
Some ads are paid for by the candidates themselves, but many of the most bare-knuckle messages are funded by independent groups such as (which bashes Republicans) and the Economic Freedom Fund (which bashes Democrats).
Though he points out the hypocrisy and contradictions inherent in many social-reform projects of which the Society for the Suppression of Vice was perhaps the most revolting he does not idealise the world that they were trying to improve: a world which employed 12-year-old prostitutes and enjoyed the licensed cruelty of bare-knuckle boxing.