The time to build coalitions is before you are stripped bare of your garments and the vultures are circling overhead.
If Penn State officials or Pennsylvania politicians had any guts, they would strip the university bare of anything adorned with the name Joe Paterno.
The trees were still bare of leaves and my mother made Caro wear her coat in the mornings, but she came home after school dragging it behind her.
"In the late 1980s, Hilton was among the first luxury hotel brands to utilize the service, " says Mike Bare, co-owner and president of Bare International and one of the original founders of the MSPA. Three decades later, it's common practice among hotel brands around the world. (Proof: LRA recently opened a satellite office in busy Singapore.) And soon enough, its taciturn nature may be over.
Some of the daily newspapers have begun speculating about why the accident happened, while the official paper of the Ministry of Defence is reporting the bare facts of the incident.
The system tray, to the right of the Taskbar, contains only the bare minimum of items, such as the network and battery indicators.
Although the technical membership of the UPFA may now be approaching the bare minimum of legislators needed to maintain a majority in the 225-seat parliament, the government is likely to be able to find a comfortable number of MPs to back its legislative agenda from among the numerous smaller parties in Sri Lanka.
Whereas 78% of American Jews voted for Obama in 2008, today a bare majority of 51% approve of his performance in office.
Against a backdrop of such uncertainty, Coulthard's newly-honed focus on the bare essentials of a race weekend faces another stern test.
Indeed, economics so does not ignore it that one of his own recent colleagues researches the very subject and we teach the basic bare bones of the point to teenagers, 16 year olds even.
The structures become shorter, three levels at most, the exteriors comprised of bare cinderblocks and the roofs of simple corrugated tin.
In return, the owners provided the bare basics of life to their slaves and employees.
FORBES: Ron Paul Pushes Financial Crack To America's Working Youth
Those are the bare bones of a narrative that proceeds in fits and starts.
It has laid bare some of the facts about the world's most dreadful wars.
Today it is the bare minimum of a village: one house, a tiny chapel and half a dozen barns.
Arrests and investigations laid bare much of what many had suspected for years.
After years of bare-faced denials, such bare-faced contrition seemed something of a breakthrough.
Jenin's much-hyped joint Palestinian-Israeli industrial zone is still a bare patch of land.
Jones' squad has been stripped bare because of illness and injury, but they still beat Bristol City 6-0 on Tuesday.
No internet, no 3G and the bare minimum of mobile phone reception.
But it simply states the bare facts of what happened in 1914.
ECONOMIST: Bosnia's memorials reflect its changes in fortune
It is the bare bones of quantum mechanics that have proved to be consistent with what is presently known of the subatomic world.
It is the bare minimum of your job description, after all.
FORBES: An Open Letter To Washington On The Debt Ceiling: Do Your Job
His wife, Ida, makes appearances in the empty rooms, but she is usually painted from the back, with the emphasis on the bare nape of her neck.
The commemorative supercar centers on a cabin that only allows room for the driver and a bare minimum of instruments, eliminating pesky distractions such as passengers and stereos.
But in political terms, the new stridency among senior British Muslims is probably the bare minimum of assertiveness they could show while keeping any credibility with their grassroots.
The bare facts of that case are public because it was filed at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, which works with a modicum of transparency.
ECONOMIST: A hard struggle to shed some light on a legal grey area
The critics point out that Honduras, like several other Central American countries, fails to raise enough tax revenue to pay for even the bare bones of a modern state.
The memorial has generated only a bare murmur of controversy, compared to the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, for example, whose design provoked a huge, if short-lived, outcry from the very group it was designed to honor.