• As for Mr Meshal, having realised to his chagrin that Gaza was no longer his to bargain away, he declared that he would retire after 15 years in the job.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and Palestine

  • They claim the Marshall Islands government has no right to bargain away the rights of indigenous inhabitants of Kwajalein, who were moved by the Americans to nearby Ebeye in the 1960s.

    ECONOMIST: A new agreement for America's missile range

  • He said that many of BT's new customers were probably coming back from TalkTalk - which lured millions away with bargain basement broadband when it got into the business.

    BBC: The fight for faster broadband

  • All this may work for a bit, but thrifty German consumers will not be kept away from bargain telephony for ever, and heavy-handedness stokes public hostility to the company.

    ECONOMIST: Deutsche Telekom

  • At one point on October 26th Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy broke away from the summit to bargain with bankers.

    ECONOMIST: The euro deal: No big bazooka | The

  • And half-empty hotels may be reluctant to cut room prices, because raising them again when demand recovers could drive away repeat customers as well as bargain hunters.

    ECONOMIST: Is this the end of sticky prices?

  • House Speaker Boehner, whom Mr Obama singled out in his speech for having "walked away" from a "grand bargain" during the debt-ceiling debate in July, said the president's approach was unhelpful.

    BBC: Obama unveils plans to cut US deficit

  • Although there are always bottom-feeders in search of a bargain, for the most part buyers will shy away from second-rate or difficult works, even by famous names.

    ECONOMIST: Contemporary art stumbles

  • Mr Gumpert said the defence would argue that there was no servitude, no forced labour, but rather a rough bargain which enabled men who would otherwise have wasted their lives away in drink and dependency to have meaningful lives as part of the Connors family.

    BBC: Beds, Herts & Bucks

  • But under Chief Executive Joseph Leonard, an industry veteran (Eastern, Northwest, American), AirTran came back by stealing business travelers away from big rivals such as Delta Air Lines with bargain fares and better service.

    FORBES: Flying High

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