This shows that employers could be willing to recognize a union without a duty to bargain or economic power if unprotected unions focused on mutually beneficial topics.
We need to restore the bargaining power that labor has lost over the last 30 years, so that ordinary workers as well as superstars have the power to bargain for good wages.
The M100 also figured this one was a bargain: Hertz is pretty cheap relative to its expected earnings power, with a price-to-earnings growth ratio of just 0.73.
For most Pushtuns, who claim to be a majority and are certainly Afghanistan's largest ethnic group, the emerging bargain between the former monarch and the minority tribes of the Northern Alliance cedes too much power to the latter.
Obama has also refused to reconsider his decision to reach a grand bargain with the ayatollahs on Iran's nuclear weapons program that would serve to legitimize their continued grip on power.