The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip.
The advocates of using the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip have no leverage.
You can always offer one later as a bargaining chip as you negotiate price and possible repairs.
WSJ: Is a Home Warranty Necessary in a Hot Market?--WSJ House Talk
Is this because it could be a useful bargaining chip in some future negotiation with the DUP?
No doubt, the credit has always been a political bargaining chip, allowing more encompassing energy proposals to pass.
Was he using the private companies and their files as a bargaining chip?
That makes it look like Lewis used a MAC clause as a bargaining chip to get more federal assistance, Kucinich said.
Mr Boehner has a point - some Republicans pointed out at the time that they had thrown away their best bargaining chip.
Anytime you use a new job offer as a bargaining chip with your boss, there's always a risk you'll lose the bet.
This latter measure looks like a bargaining chip to be used later.
Any suggestion of making them a bargaining chip unsettles those in Poland and elsewhere who doubt the durability of America's security relationship with Europe.
The White House could use its South Korean trade pact as a late bargaining chip for fast-track renewal, though it might be a low-value one.
The production tax credit given to wind, for example, has become a bargaining chip that results in an unhealthy stop-and-go economic system, says van Nispen.
The stockpile is not some bargaining chip, as many have maintained.
Mr Kulakowski thinks Poland's biggest pre-entry bargaining chip is its size.
Over drinks in the Trophy Room of the New York Yacht Club, Ellison's consigliere in yachting matters, Tom Ehman, maintains that DoGZilla is a bargaining chip.
With the emergence of China and India as world economic powers, gas exports will likely provide the US with a major bargaining chip in trade talks.
This essentially makes TweetDeck a bargaining chip between the two.
The opposite is true: the agency wanted more deficit reduction but expressed alarm at the spectacle of politicians like Mrs Bachmann turning the debt ceiling into a political bargaining chip.
And although he chose to focus on telephony, he has treated it as a bargaining chip in his financial game, to be sold to Germany's Mannesmann to help pay for his bid.
Consider that Spanish wind developer Gamesa Corp. said that it had to fire 165 workers in Pennsylvania in the fall because Congress was using the credit as a political bargaining chip.
FORBES: Wind Energy: Twisting and Turning and Getting Bent out of Shape
While Egypt and Iran have conducted low-level diplomatic relations for years, higher-level relations would "give Morsy a bargaining chip to pressure the Americans into strategic decisions revolving around the region's political future, " he said.
The group listened intently as one of the executives launched into an unflattering tale of how the employee had used the executive's perfectly good job offer as a bargaining chip for a fat buyback.
"I don't see why agriculture always has to be the bargaining chip in Europe's trade negotiations... especially when a certain number of South American countries, notably Argentina, are putting new protectionist tariffs on food imports, " he said.
This would significantly reduce the influence that Google would have over the crown jewels, and allow Samsung a bargaining chip in any negotiations, and ultimately an escape route away from Google if relations soured between the companies.
Otherwise, they would be a bargaining chip.
FORBES: With Their Conventions, Republicans and Democrats Whistle Past the Graveyard
Though none of my sources like the idea of lying to an employer, they all agree that some of his advice has merit, like demonstrating to an employer that you are valued by other employers and using severance pay as a bargaining chip.
The derivatives bill will become part of the financial reform legislation winding its way through the Senate, and some believe the swaps desk provision will be used as a bargaining chip as the full Senate argues over what issues have yet to be ironed out.
More likely, the Rays plight will prove to be a significant bargaining chip in the next CBA. With the contraction issue floating around so much these days, Borden thinks the union is likely to bring it up as part of the talks and seek stronger protections.