More likely, the Rays plight will prove to be a significant bargaining chip in the next CBA. With the contraction issue floating around so much these days, Borden thinks the union is likely to bring it up as part of the talks and seek stronger protections.
Another issue: The new regulations may violate the collective bargaining agreement between players and the league because the league made a unilateral decision.
If this issue and other grievances become part of a wider bargaining scene, the Iranians may try to get the Americans to acknowledge an Iranian sphere of influence in Iraq, which the Americans remain loth to do.
It will likely argue that the collective bargaining agreement preempts the filing of concussion lawsuits under federal labor law, because the issue of medical care of players is not subject to litigation.
Polls taken while the issue was first debated in states last year showed a majority of Americans opposed to the stripping of collective bargaining rights for public workers.