Doctors gave Anika a barium enema to get a good look at her intestines.
CNN: Desperate breast-feeding moms reveal secrets
In declaring the emergency, Peru's Environment Ministry said the contamination included high levels of lead, barium and chromium as well as petroleum-related compounds.
NPR: Peru Declares Amazon Oil Contamination Emergency
Such a particle, if produced in his apparatus, would cruise through a detector made of barium-phosphate glass and leave a trail of damage along the way.
ECONOMIST: Magnetic monopoles: Absence of evidence | The
Then a coat is applied of yttrium, barium and copper, the metallic elements of YBCO, today's HTS recipe of choice, along with impurities just nanometres (billionths of a metre) across.
ECONOMIST: Inside story
Overall, the EPA found naturally-occurring hazardous substances, specifically arsenic, barium or manganese, in well water at five homes, and in all cases, residents now have, or will have, their own treatment systems to reduce concentrations to acceptable tap water safety levels.
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