My Hush Puppies bark at the mere thought of hauling over to the Sands, as I aim to go there just because I haven't seen what's there yet.
"Jones, get in here, " he'd bark at me from his office door if he found even one comma out of place in a story I'd edited, or a fact that didn't quite add up.
But then there were fewer dogs to bark at me as I passed under the trees, and, where the dog was big, so was the dog door, and I could crawl in and avail myself of the canned and packaged foods in kitchen pantries.
They may bark orders at colleagues, unaware that listeners are bristling.
For those who enjoy their hot dogs with a bit more of a haute cuisine flair, there are the franks at Bark Hot Dogs in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Strange claw marks an inch thick have also been found on the bark of a shrub at Trewithen Gardens near Truro.
Adam LaRoche and Ian Desmond homered for the Nationals on Bark in the Park day at Citi Field.
But Bark said there are parallels, at least in terms of coverage, with the Kennedy assassination.
D-shaped holes in the bark or new tree shoots emerging at the root zone of your ash trees may be a sign of infestation by the Emerald Ash Borer, an insect native to the Far East that targets ash trees, says Dave Dailey of Birchcrest Tree and Landscape, in Rochester, N.
Pub manager Mark Phillips said staff told him that the man reappeared at about 11pm with bits of bark hanging off him and flesh gouged out of his limbs.
In the 30-odd soccer-loving localities she visited, in countries from South Africa to Ivory Coast, balls are spun into being with whatever's at hand: rag or sock, tire or bark, plastic bag or inflated condom.
The work became so absorbing, so meditative, that he would try to paint at the deepest hours of night, when only the bark of a dog or distant cock-crow would disturb the southern French hillside where he lived.
We stay at the Kakadu Culture Camp, in tents beneath the woolly bark trees.
At primary school I remember learning how to identify trees by their leaves or bark.
At the sound of the shot, the dogs in Dashtian had begun to bark, the sound fitful in the breeze.
As he filmed the flooding, his emotions changed as quickly as the tide outside his house, which at one point creeps under a second-floor door, prompting Jackley to bark, "Get the hell out!"
In order to create a unique taste, Jared Brown went through a raft of historical recipes from the 1, 000-drinks-book library at his home in Gloucestershire, and started experimenting with ingredients such as Italian orris root and Chinese cassia bark.