Both men gouged, pounded and pulverised until one lost his balance and was barrelled out of the ring.
The elder, potbellied, carried an ancient single-barrelled shotgun, the butt mended crudely with wire.
Thousands were reportedly trapped on the roofs of their homes as Nesat barrelled across the island.
Then Carol got a running start and barrelled into the nest, knocking it flat.
He had left the single barrelled gun out of its cabinet in his bedroom.
The court has heard the Glasgow-made double-barrelled shotgun dates back as far as the late 19th century.
Who are grey voters, but I have to resist suggesting that they are double barrelled - I do.
The court heard that Ms Leggatt had told police he owned an unlicensed single-barrelled shotgun that he hid between hay bales.
The court heard police had found an old, single-barrelled shotgun hidden between two hay bales on Fraser's land, along with some cartridges.
Another summer hybrid: a double-barrelled post-adolescent dudefest spliced to a macabre crime thriller that resembles, in many details, a true story from 2003.
Brian Fraser, 63, told police he had no idea how the single-barrelled 12-bore shotgun, along with cartridges, came to be hidden between two hay bales.
McClenaghan, 49, of Broad Street, Magherafelt, used an antique double-barrelled gun to shoot the mother-of-four dead in the Portstewart launderette where she worked in March 2011.
This sort of thing of port and cigars and double-barrelled names and titles certainly existed at the club once upon a time, but it's certainly not the case today.
Lovely details include bottles of organic white peach juice in the fridge, jars of homemade wild blueberry jam, and canvas beach chairs and umbrellas--everything you need to do absolutely nothing in full-barrelled comfort.
Five days later, as police raided his hideout, a remote farmhouse on a ranch of his near the Uruguayan border, Mr Yabran put a double-barrelled shotgun into his mouth and pulled the trigger.