"There are a number of lines of inquiry that are not yet complete, " the barrister said.
"Maybe it's also helpful to the profession to wear wigs, " says barrister Mr. Lai.
WSJ: Wigged Out: Hong Kong's Lawyers Bristle Over Horsehair Headpieces
After the war, he became a barrister and rose to be deputy chief justice.
Earlier, Mr McCarney's barrister said she accepted that Millie's injuries had been deliberately inflicted.
Like the barrister he is, he used everything he could get to support his case.
The barrister acting on behalf of Galway University Hospital said there was no intention to mislead.
All this assumes the bulbous barrister would recognize computer innovation if it fell on his head.
"The devices did not work and he knew they did not work, " said the barrister.
Defending barrister Oliver King said that his client would never get behind the wheel again.
BBC: Coach driver Lewis McDonald jailed for Penley terror trip
The barrister said the email went on with "pernicious" implications about damage to Ms Ecclestone's reputation.
Ms Martin was taken through the photographs one at a time by her barrister.
The entrepreneur (and former wig-wearing barrister) already had some success with this strategy back in Sydney.
The barrister also stressed that Mr McLaughlin is not suspected of just having a periphery involvement.
But Mr McIntyre's barrister, David Scoffield QC, contended that the PSNI position was "completely untenable".
The barrister said many who contributed did not know what the money was used for.
BBC: Sentencing of Huntingdon Life Sciences hate campaigners
The defending barrister also raised issues about preserving the integrity of the crime scene.
He told his barrister, Diana Ellis QC, he did not remember producing the knife and assaulting her.
BBC: Bedford man 'does not remember' attack on estranged wife
Javed's father had trained as a barrister in the U.K. but had no interest in practicing law.
But he changed his plea after the judge allowed him to discuss the case with his barrister.
Ms O'Dwyer said she understood the delay was because a prosecution barrister was "out of the country".
Judith Leach, a clinical negligence barrister at Withy King, has been advising Ms Owers on her rights.
Murphy believes he has been the victim of a deliberate attempt to alter evidence, his barrister said.
The prosecution barrister said she faced a charge of cruelty involving the wilful neglect of her daughter.
BBC: Millie Martin trial: Mother sobs during court questioning
Barrister Abdur Razaak, the chief defence counsel at the tribunal, has demanded a retrial following the resignation.
Lord Taverne, who is married to a scientist, expounds and exposes like the barrister he once was.
On Friday, a barrister representing the Crown said what had happened to Tweed's victims "marred their lives".
The barrister claimed the force had "stonewalled" in relation to the release of documents, which was denied.
The body of Mr Suddards, a former barrister, was found by builders at his vicarage on Castle Street.
Kirsty Brimelow, a criminal barrister dealing with rape cases, says that most cautions apply to very old allegations.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | How can a rapist only be cautioned?
Her barrister Frank Phillips said the case had had a huge impact on the former post office manager.