Barristers representing the Derby parents told the judge the children had been loved and "happy".
BBC: Philpott sentencing: Derby fire deaths duo 'good' parents
Barristers go decades without washing them and will pass them down to younger colleagues upon retirement.
WSJ: Wigged Out: Hong Kong's Lawyers Bristle Over Horsehair Headpieces
On that particular May day, the overwhelming majority of the protesting barristers were men.
This is our livelihood and most barristers are proud of the work they do.
Mr Thorpe suggested that many existing consultants were considering setting up in chambers, along the lines of barristers.
"That's a point barristers are going to make a bit of money on over the coming summer, " he added.
In the trial, jurors were told most barristers are self-employed and were legally required to pay their own VAT.
Barristers cannot opt out of Bar Council control and choose another regulator instead.
ECONOMIST: Why it is so difficult to regulate lawyers and doctors
During his nine-day trial, jurors heard that most barristers were self-employed and were legally required to pay their own VAT.
Both men are barristers, though Mr Straw stopped practising long before Lord Irvine, and is thus of more modest means.
Though solicitors have more training, top barristers are typically better paid and because they appear in court, have higher profiles as well.
WSJ: Wigged Out: Hong Kong's Lawyers Bristle Over Horsehair Headpieces
The CPS has ruled out special independent advocates for women but has started to use special barristers in prosecuting sex offence cases.
The barristers' prestige emanates not only from the wig, but because they number in the hundreds, compared with the city's thousands of solicitors.
WSJ: Wigged Out: Hong Kong's Lawyers Bristle Over Horsehair Headpieces
The Bar Council, which represents barristers in England and Wales, has warned that "a model based on price competition is a blunt instrument".
North West crown court cases are facing disruption as barristers plan to miss hearings to attend a meeting in protest against proposed legal aid changes.
Around 20 barristers, representing the defendants, sat in two rows as preliminary legal issues were discussed ahead of a jury being selected for the trial.
Barristers intend to debate the proposed changes to the criminal justice system, which will pave the way for lawyers to compete for contracts among other reforms.
Unrecorded sections of interviews with Mrs Ege were also read out to the court by a police officer and one of the prosecution team's barristers, David Elias.
Lawyers should be free to set up shop both with outside investors and with other species of lawyer, so that barristers could form partnerships with solicitors, for example.
ECONOMIST: Why it is so difficult to regulate lawyers and doctors
He won a scholarship to Cambridge, gained a first in law and was admitted to the charmed circle of barristers (who in Britain work in the higher courts).
Critics suggest that the solicitors and barristers who were asked to make a donation may feel obliged to do so, since the lord chancellor can effectively make or break their careers.
Written by Robin Tam QC and two other barristers representing Mrs May, the document made clear that civilian judges will preside over Abu Qatada's re-trial and not members of the military.
He also made a quick telephone call and shook hands with his barristers and gardai working in the court, thanking them for their work, before he was led away by prison officers.
The judge, who sits in Truro, Plymouth and Exeter crown courts, went on to make inquiries of the Law Society and the Bar Council, which covers barristers, but found no record of Evans.
The Bar Council, representing all barristers in England and Wales, believes that poor court management is to blame for the length and cost of long fraud trials, not juries' failure to grasp complex evidence.
Barristers acting on behalf of the accused questioned whether an IP address - a number assigned to every device connecting to the internet - could be used to identify the person who downloaded illegal content.
The Criminal Bar Association, representing most ordinary criminal barristers in England and Wales, argues that the right to trial by one's peers should not be abolished in any case where the defendant could be facing years in prison.
Even the Bar Council, which represents barristers, believes that the current secret method of appointment of silks is unsustainable and that in future they should be selected by a small panel chaired by a retired High Court judge.
That warning is revealing, not least because solicitors and barristers, the two wings of the legal profession, have been quietly ripping off the public purse for years by pursuing cases financed by the taxpayer which had minimal chances of success.
Occasionally, barristers suffer for the vanity.
WSJ: Wigged Out: Hong Kong's Lawyers Bristle Over Horsehair Headpieces