They sometimes barter, trading milk and cow dung for grass to feed their livestock.
Similarly, if you barter appreciated assets (like art, antiques and collectibles), you may have capital gains.
There were no paying customers, only a barter deal with the Arizona Software Association.
The trio turned things around by demanding cash payments rather than relying on traditional barter deals.
Barter of the Heart Research Institute in Sydney, Australia, and the lead investigator in Pfizer's study.
"Clogwyn y Gwin is an absolutely awe-inspiring part of the Snowdonia landscape, " said Mr Barter.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Snowdon 'railway' farm for sale
Forbes contributor Jim Blasingame, in Is Barter Right For Your Small Business?
The fiscal wing of government has a huge incentive to move its economy away from barter.
Mr Woodruff may also not quite give Russian inflation its due in promoting barter.
Mr Woodruff plumps for money as the weak link, tracing Russia's descent into a barter economy.
Inflation was indeed falling as fast as the use of barter rose, from 1993 to 1997.
Barter is a slow, expensive and highly restrictive way for companies to do business.
Mr Barter, from Swindon, Wiltshire, said not enough modern cyclists were aware of Mr Godwin's achievements.
Before using a barter network, remember you may be exchanging assets today for future redemption.
With barter, you include in your income the fair market value of property or services you received.
Black pepper is considered to be black gold, and was once exchanged for gold as a barter.
Christine Barter from Bristol University, who led the study, said long-term intervention in schools was also needed.
As well as paying for books, customers are also encouraged to barter using "milk, meals and amusement".
Even better, payment could be made in manufactured goods, with a barter system replacing payments in numerous instances.
Without it, and lacking any form of recognized money, individuals would have to resort to barter or credit.
So conduct the due diligence to make sure the barter network has experience and a good track record.
As sales for money replaced barter, economic exchange became faster and more frequent.
Zimbabweans have been reduced to subsistence (some survive on roots and berries), barter, and remittances and handouts from abroad.
"It has to be not only a demonstration of efficacy, Barter says, "but also that there is no harm.
You could also get around APT by barter, but barter is very expensive.
Barter agreements can be written and quantified or they can remain loose, with a verbal agreement and a handshake.
Because of the payments crisis in the banking system, paying suppliers is now difficult, and barter looks more attractive.
But the failure of a common money, as reflected in the rise of barter, is undoubtedly a huge factor.
He says his Anti-Crisis Settlement and Accounting Centre (ASAC) is more advanced than the rudimentary barter trades so common in post-Soviet markets.
Unless, of course, we're willing to barter with something else, such as our consumer profiles or our photo streams.