Thanks to Iraq's vanishingly narrow tax base, oil accounts for almost all of the government's projected 2004 revenues.
Another treatment, Mother of Pearl, uses pulverized queen conch shells in an aloe and lemongrass-oil base to exfoliate the skin.
FORBES: The spa at The Palms ups the ante on the Turks & Caicos.
Supply of things like base metals, oil and rubber is crimped after years of underinvestment in mines and oilfields and farms, he says, so prices are heading up.
As a result, we are continuing to invest in commodities, agriculture, precious metals, base metals, oil and gas exploration, oil and gas equipment and services as well as natural gas.
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So long as they buy dollars, and use dollars as a base to sell crude oil from Iran to China, or sugar from Brazil to Russia, then the dollar will remain the most important currency on the planet.
"We like the oil and gas base because we see the need for resources for a long time to come, " said Mark Little, a senior vice president.
Most resource base projections are based on the oil and gas that is recoverable with current technology.
FORBES: The Texas Shale Oil & Gas Revolution - Leading the Way to Enhanced Energy Security
The Coincidental Rise of Oil and the Monetary Base by Bill Bonner originally appeared in the Daily Reckoning.
You base your argument on the premise that the oil-for-food programme does not work.
But eliminating oil and gas tax breaks is an appropriate base-broadening measure that should be endorsed.
Royal Dutch Shell, an oil company, will use Darwin as a maintenance base for a floating processing plant for LNG from the Prelude field off Western Australia.
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So far, winning deals in the Middle East seems to depend in larger part on the political astuteness and lobbying skills of oil bosses than on the size of their capital base.
The IEA states in its most recent World Energy Outlook that there are many sources of uncertainty surrounding future oil supplies, but the size of the resource base is not one of them.
The oil-rich exclave - home to a large base of the energy firm, Chevron - was chosen to host an Africa Cup of Nations stadium in a bid to boost local investment and infrastructure.
Against that, Unionist politicians pose two arguments: that oil revenues are volatile and that the broader tax base of the UK permits greater resilience against short-term shocks such as sharp increases in unemployment and, therefore, benefits.
To add flavor to the delicate, bullet-shaped green, Mr. Stitt first builds a base by softening bacon (preferably cut from a slab) in olive oil.
WSJ: Frank Stitt's Okra and Stewed Tomato Pirlau | Slow Food Fast
Russia, the world's ninth-largest economy, is seeking to diversify away from oil and gas and under President Vladimir Putin has made developing its manufacturing base, particularly the Russian car industry, an economic policy priority.
As a major integrated oil operator, it carries a huge cyclical element in its earnings and asset base of refining, marketing and chemicals production.
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Examples of these resources include oil, natural gas, precious metals (particularly gold and silver), base metals such as copper and nickel, and other resources such as diamonds, coal, lumber and even water.
But if American energy producers are able to tap into even a fraction of this supply, our domestic energy production could well outstrip that of Saudi Arabia, which is currently the largest oil producer and exporter of total petroleum liquids in the world with a reserve base estimated around 260 billion barrels.
The year-on-year fall in oil prices is likely to be steepest in the third quarter next year, when the base will be this summer's peak.
All you do is cluster the corn-oil units around biodiesel plants that use another money-saving GreenShift innovation: a "continuous base catalyst reaction" system that relies on a "proprietary process intensification and advanced separation technologies"--whatever those are.