Detectives identified him as a suspect based on evidence at a crime scene, the victim's descriptions and others.
Palermo prosecutors had demanded a 10-year jail sentence for Mr Andreotti, based on evidence from jailed Mafia informer Antonino Giuffre.
But the problem is that investors' anxiety is based on evidence of economic slowdown in many of the developed western economies.
Dr Poulter said workforce changes must be decided at a local level, based on evidence of what was best for patient care.
They were based on evidence, which has been questioned by some, that several very costly transplants had little chance of long-term success.
If money is spent in this direction then less money will be spent elsewhere so it'll have to be based on evidence.
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Since 1981, saccharin has been listed in an "anticipated" human carcinogen category, based on evidence that included a Canadian study on rats.
And if he is convicted, his conviction won't be based on evidence.
Mr Gething said he believed exam reforms were based on "ideology" in England and changes in Wales should be based on evidence and the needs of learners.
Mr Cook added that any action, such as the removal of the barrels from the seabed, needed to be based on evidence there was a problem.
SIBs are intended to scale up proven programs which have been designed and implemented based on evidence of good practice, and tested and demonstrated to work.
FORBES: Making Your Tax Dollars More Effective: A New Model For Impact Investing
He was speaking as the committee published its report into the reforms, based on evidence from the Child Support Agency and the Department for Work and Pensions.
BBC: Parents and staff suffered during the CSA reforms, MPs say
They should "work on the investigation, come to a conclusion based on evidence, and then either bring a case or announce their findings, " he said in an e-mail.
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The Financial Stability Board (FSB) prepared the report based on evidence compiled by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the International Organization of Security Commissions.
Recommendations from other organizations are based on evidence of lower quality, and the task force is extremely strict about the level of evidence it can accept, she said.
"Doctors understand this is all based on evidence and not someone at corporate telling them what to do, " says Marcie Williams, vice president of safety and risk management.
It means making policy based on evidence rather than feelings.
The report summarises the findings from three research reports based on evidence from surveys of almost 3, 500 disabled people and their families, as well as a parliamentary evidence session.
The arrests were made based on evidence gathered by confidential sources who posed as representatives or associates of the FARC as they communicated with the defendants beginning last summer, authorities said.
And, of course, in economic policies based on evidence.
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This conclusion is based on evidence provided by forensic experts and CCTV footage obtained from a network of surveillance cameras installed by the Karachi district government in sensitive areas of the city.
He said the government had to show that if Abu Qatada was placed on trial in Jordan, the case against him wouldn't be based on evidence that had been gained through torture.
Though Egyptian authorities disputed the claim, aviation safety officials in France and the U.S. cited "spatial disorientation" as the likely cause based on evidence available, according to the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).
Based on evidence submitted by Enforcement, the FINRA Hearing Panel found that Wheeler falsified his test score and that such conduct violated the high standards of commercial honor and integrity embodied in FINRA Rule 2010.
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He has also issued a second budget estimate based on evidence from the 1960s, 1980s and 2000s that tax reform and spending restraint will increase GDP by about 0.5 to one percentage point a year.
First, the defense team claimed that the government only put on evidence of the corporate "victims" that were harmed by these shipments, and, that including the several hundred human victims was not based on evidence established at trial.
In 2010, the IOM raised the amount of vitamin D Americans should consume to 600 international units per day from 200 for most children and adults, based on evidence that vitamin D and calcium protects bones.
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One legal analyst, Shahdeen Malik, said the amendments would strengthen the law, and that the country's legal system could be counted on to give verdicts based on evidence and not simply in response to street pressure.
While patients cannot always tell if the doctor has done the right thing, they assume that the care they receive is safe and effective and based on evidence and that their providers are fully licensed and following standard procedures.
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