This hyperbole ignores the basic fact that grenades and rockets have been restricted under the National Firearms Act for a long time.
But even if the paper's argument is correct, it ignores the basic fact that so many people have become so good at passing their educational privileges on to their children.
They had to ignore the basic fact that Israel gives the PA far more water than the agreement requires it to give, and to associate malign intent to the Israeli government.
It has not been possible to overcome the basic fact that the Shiites in the south and the Kurds in the north have the oil and the Sunnis in the center have the sand.
Even in states such as Connecticut or California where advocates have succeeded in getting judicial orders to reduce funding disparities, the basic fact that people attend schools locally and affluent families want to live near good ones remains.
Were the administration able to understand the basic fact that some countries simply cannot abide by America, it would realize that the Iranian-Venezuelan military alliance itself is cause for a systematic reassessment of the rationale behind the US's Western Hemispheric strategy.
There is no indication yet that the Republican leadership is willing to acknowledge the basic fact that rates need to rise on the top 2 percent in order to achieve the kind of broad-based deficit-reduction package that a significant majority of the American people support and even numerous Republicans have publicly come out in support of.
So in resubmitting their "peace plan, " the Saudis are simply acting as they have always acted - as Israel's enemy and as a country dedicated to preventing the US from basing its Middle East policy on a recognition of the basic fact that Arab and Islamic hostility towards the US stems from the same source as Arab and Islamic hostility towards Israel.
The fee cuts ignore a basic fact: That franchise fee is there for a reason.
FORBES: Franchise Chains Slashing Fees -- Opportunity for Entrepreneurs, or Red Flag?
The basic fact is that, in contrast to the picture painted by Russian liberals, quite a lot of people continue to support Vladimir Putin.
FORBES: Something Strange Happened on the way to the Revolution: Putin's Popularity is Increasing
But the fact that huge numbers of kids are passing through school systems and not learning basic literacy drives home the fact that districts also need to take checking to see if the kids are learning anything more seriously.
FORBES: Half of Detroit’s Adults are Functionally Illiterate – So Now What?
That basic fact was already proven with Hamas's victory in the 2006 elections.
But notice that this conclusion depends on the fact that the basic inputs to shoe production leather and rubber, steel and bricks for the factory, and so on are available for purchase in competitive markets.
FORBES: "Intervention" Is Inevitable When The Government Has A Monopoly
Regardless, many people are so attached to these devices that people were completely outraged when BlackBerry experienced system outages in October 2011, despite the fact that their basic cell phone services were still operational.
The researchers are the first-ever recipients of the Golden Goose Award, which highlights the unpredictable nature of basic scientific research and the fact that some of the most important scientific discoveries come from federally funded research that may once have been viewed as unusual, odd, or obscure.
WHITEHOUSE: Golden Goose Award: Scientific Research Investments Paying Off | The White House
In fact, the basic math says that we should be willing to do anything literally anything that is required to get our real long-term GDP growth rate up above the real interest rate on federal debt (assumed by the Social Security Trustees to be 2.90%).
FORBES: It's Growth, Stupid: Why Newt Gingrich Is Leading In The Polls
All that shows is a basic fact many have a hard time accepting: Stocks are up much more than down.
Aside from a provision that will require new plans to offer basic preventive care, nothing has been done to address the fact that we are sicker than ever before.
The basic problem is that such efforts ignore the fact that the world is an unfriendly place.
Having developed this basic model, the researchers then adjusted for the fact that, in practice, cars behave somewhat differently from gas molecules.
The fact of the matter is that funding basic research is one of those jobs that government does better than the private sector.
FORBES: Eric Cantor, Science, And The Central Planning Fallacy
But that leads you to the basic economic fact of all lottery ticket purchases: What people buy when they play the lottery is not really a chance at winning millions at all.
And I think it's important, particularly for business leaders here, to understand that fact, that if you see a complete collapse in state and local government spending on basic needs, that that could create a very bad business climate for all of you.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Closes Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth
The fact that 500 years ago King James renamed the Israelis "Israelites" is irrelevant to the basic truth that there is nothing new or artificial about the Israeli people.
Despite the fact that almost all agencies have the same basic capabilities, their creative standards differ.
The fact of the matter is that these three basic ingredients are the same three things that go into making a super brand.
FORBES: P&G, Bud, and Jeep Know the Three Things That Give a Brand -- and a Super Bowl Ad - the Edge
But then she discovered something she did not expect: She loves being in the Army. (Laughter.) In fact, she even said that she loved basic training.
The fact that it has become known as that in tennis and style circles exemplifies the problem basic tennis kit has morphed into the canvas upon which stars enforce their own (often dubious) style.
It is a fact that researchers have no consensus on the most basic of elements: where the event happened.
What made such a startling difference, believes Jerry Mechling of Harvard University, was the fact that networked computers allow companies to reshape their basic ways of doing business.