These include new "top-up" payments and two years of guaranteed rises in basic salary from 2011.
The top 220 civil servants in NI will nevertheless receive a 3.5% increase in basic salary.
Mr Schrempp talks about overcoming this with a low basic salary and a high performance-based bonus.
His basic salary has doubled, although his total pay hasn't increased much, partly because he works fewer hours.
The Hay Group reckons that a European chief executive's basic salary is much the same as that of his counterpart across the Atlantic.
They have compared the average basic salary of our employees to a remuneration package awarded to the CEO that includes salary, bonus and benefits.
And he said the new performance-related pay system for teachers at the top of the basic salary scale would make "a substantial difference" in the longer term.
The 2001 European footballer of the year has dropped out of the England squad, but a move to United gives Owen the chance to revitalise his career, even if it involved accepting a lower basic salary.
Some 33.8% wanted to work more to earn more, while 64.3% of workers thought their salary wasn't sufficient for basic needs.
Indeed, this year's National Management Salary Survey shows that despite increases in basic pay across all levels of UK executives, the resignation rates remain consistent with last year's figures.
In times of crisis, this is clear, but even in our everyday working environments, managers need to keep in mind that employees who are worrying about whether their basic security needs are going to be met, like salary, job location, and health insurance, cannot focus successfully on how they can make a difference, work creatively and collaboratively, or help take the organization to the next level.
Liveris, 36, has been hit hard by the country's economic crisis, losing 50% of his salary and barely clinging to his job as the price of basic foodstuffs continues to rise.
So now the authorities are promising big salary increases and the state press carries almost daily assurances from the president that meeting the basic needs of citizens is a government priority.
BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Egyptians hit by rising food prices