If people make more over their lifetimes by having gone to college than not then we can, as a very basic thought, assume that the education has added to their earning capacity.
The basic thought is that as Google is a dominant company it has to act in a certain manner, a more restrained manner with respect to competition than a company which is not in a dominant position has to.
By laying bare the basic mechanisms of thought, the institute's work could eventually yield clues to conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and autism and mental disorders like depression.
It not only trumped the ex post facto issue, I thought, but the basic immunities of absolute sovereignty.
It was clear they had never thought through the most basic issues.
Help Mom or Dad remember that they taught you a basic value: to do what you thought was best for yourself.
As for the story itself, Taymor threw out even the basic storyline from Spiderman comics and movies and thought up her own from scratch.
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They said we knew civil unions weren't marriage but we thought we would at least get some basic protections.
It seems like a basic concept but distribution is often an after-thought.
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You want to enter the interview with a well-thought out message that answers the most basic questions that might come up during a discussion of the subject.
Some 33.8% wanted to work more to earn more, while 64.3% of workers thought their salary wasn't sufficient for basic needs.
History, along with basic economic logic tell us that emotion, rather than rational thought, is driving this latest bout of low economic self-esteem.
With a conference such as this, it is a wise idea to review basic notions and fundamentals, especially given the opportunity of the presence of so many thought-leaders in one venue.
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As for the sentiment that it is not merely the international capital market but the basic principles of capitalist economics that need to be questioned, one can only despair that the thought has even surfaced.