His government then adopted a flat-rate income tax, ending Russia's days as an economic basket case.
Underneath the gloss of good feeling, Murray conveys the selfishness within his basket case.
Paul Krugman has taken another look at the Japanese economy and pronounces it no basket case.
FORBES: Paul Krugman Says It Again: Japan's Stagnation Is A Myth
So why is the Biloxi-Gulfport-Pascagoula area (pop. 372, 000) such a basket case?
Should he run and win, he will inherit an economic basket case.
His new one, "Basket Case, " is due in January, and this time he takes on the hand that feeds him -- corporate media.
Tokyo-based foreign correspondents have instead promoted approved themes, notably the myth that Japan has become the basket case of the industrial world.
Africa is no longer a basket case but a business case.
FORBES: Opportunity Africa: How One Social Venture Is Crowdsourcing the For-Profit Finance Model
The U.S. in 1981--83 went from a high-inflation, high-tax economic basket case to a much stronger competitor, able once again to attract capital from locals and foreigners.
Thirty years ago, Brazil was a financial basket case.
FORBES: Lack Of Federal Fiscal Discipline Puts U.S. In Greece's League
"He was a basket case and Kenny was concerned he would embarrass himself on stage, or worse yet -- get hurt, " production director John "Bugsy" Houghdahl wrote to AEG Live top execs Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware.
General Motors and Ford Motor shares tend to trade in tandem, even though we all know GM is the basket case that needed a federal bailout, while Ford sailed through the economic crisis without any taxpayer assistance.
Not only is he right in dismissing the basket case story but if you look at the aggregates that matter to Japanese policymakers, it is clear that Japan has done far better than the United States over the last two decades.
FORBES: Paul Krugman Says It Again: Japan's Stagnation Is A Myth
There is Ben Affleck the famous actor and director, and there is less-well-known side of the man: a thoughtful, committed advocate for change in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a war-torn, long-misruled nation that many have written off as a basket case.
FORBES: Gold Inches Up As Goldbugs Seek Reasons For Historic Rout
These banks have a high share of mortgage lending and are heavily exposed to commercial property and construction lending - which is what has done for them, because Spain's housing market is weak and becoming weaker, and its commercial property sector is a basket case.
If the U.S. economy continues to slow into the first quarter of 2013, and if Europe remains a basket case next year, then oil demand will be stable and price rises will largely depend on Asian demand and the usual Middle Eastern drama pitting Tel Aviv against Tehran.
You do wonder what other horrors this will bring out of the woodwork in those banks which are still trying to work out how to sell half their business and avoid becoming a basket case, let alone changing systems, credit procedures and pricing models that are needed under Basel II.
BBC: City Diaries: President Obama's new banking regulations
There are equally false expectations that independence will quickly bring prosperity to this economic basket-case.
We're not in some kind of economic nightmare situation, we're not Greece, we don't have a basket-case economy.
The company was called a basket-case, spread too thin, terrible employee morale, unfocused.
Probably, what had happened is that Apple had become such a basket-case that it simply decoupled from the stockmarket altogether.
On just about every count, the task-force sees Chrysler as a basket-case.
But the stronger Japanese firms do not want to sell out to foreigners, and foreigners do not want to risk buying a basket-case.
ECONOMIST: Japanese finance: Rich pickings for the gaijin | The
Even basket-case Indonesia managed 0.3% growth in 1999 and could expand 3.8% this year, according to London's Consensus Economics poll (see report page 62).