We have had a huge number of e-mails from listeners to the BBC World Service and readers of BBC News Online, all of whom wanted an opportunity to take part in today's programme.
BBC: Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel
It will look at output on BBC national TV and radio, online and BBC World News.
BBC: extends deal to broadcast Wimbledon until at least 2017
If found, "it will be the world's eighth wonder, the world's largest statue, " he told BBC News Online.
BBC: The hunt for Bamiyan's third Buddha
Professor Vaskar Saha, an expert on childhood cancer from the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, told BBC News Online that survival rates could be improved in the developing world by relatively simply measures, such as training medical staff in diagnostic techniques.
BBC: Treatment denied to cancer children
Dr Helen Lee, who led the research, told BBC News Online the new test could be used in the developing world, where people may find it hard to access healthcare, and in developed countries, where up to half those tested do not come back for their results.
BBC: NEWS | Health | 'Instant test' for sex disease
Professor Humphrey Hodgson, of the Royal Free Hospital, London, told BBC News Online that other researchers were working on similar projects around the world.
BBC: NEWS | Health | Glass liver may aid disease fight