"To be an entertainer with just a guitar, you have to be an amazing person to make people be quiet and listen to you, " Adam says.
"When five black people appear to be shot by a white person, then the immediate reaction is there is a racial component, " Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett told CNN.
You want them to see you as a stake in the ground, as the person who creates a safe and honorable space where people can be relied upon.
Managing online relationships will always be a somewhat difficult task for people programmed to communicate in person.
Where such applications are ruled as being totally without merit, people will be banned from seeking a hearing in person.
BBC: Ministers line up curbs on 'frivolous' judicial reviews
The fact of the matter is when she dies there will be people who come out and say what a good person she was.
Personality may always play a role in how a person handles money, but with the right knowledge, most people will be able to avoid the mistakes that certain personality traits might otherwise lead them to.
Presently, people's organs can only be donated if a person has indicated their desire to be a donor.
Now, some people feel, I can't be a moral and good person if I don't help in some way.
Making the large balances a little less large might not be worth giving IRS collections people another person to pursue.
But Feinberg emphasized the plan isn't final and asked audience members their opinions on thorny issues that would lengthen the process, including whether a person's income or insurance should be considered, with people who have more money getting smaller payouts.
You need to plan and to mobilize people, because they're too heavy to be carried by a single person.
Should that context be stored entirely in private by the person, or localized to a small cadre of people they work with, you will find reduced serendipitous opportunities for the larger organization.
FORBES: Building Social Collaboration Into CRM With Customers And Within The Organization
This led Nicolla Webber to an interesting thought experiment whereby a person with their hemispheres severed could actually be convinced that they were two separate people.
FORBES: What's the Likelihood of the Singularity? Part Two: Uploading the Brain
And since the destructive rampage of Anders Behring Breivik in Norway that left nearly 80 people dead, it is no longer assumed that such a person may be capable of doing only limited harm.
With this concept, instruments can adapt to the way people behave or express themselves, so a person's personality can be shown through the music and performance of an opera - which would also allow images and other memories to form part of the show.
Where once a very clever, hard working Seth McFarlane (creator of Family Guy) had to hardscrabble with networks to achieve distribution, and live in fear of a single person controlling his destiny, in the future these creative people will be able to own their content and capture the value directly as they build a direct audience.
FORBES: The Day Television Died - Winners and Losers (CBS, Comcast, Disney)
Additionally, some states distinguish between a guardian of person and guardian of property, two roles that can be filled by different people.
Ramirez said Latino people have been waiting a long time for a person of Latino descent to be nominated to the court.
University College London researchers' study of 10, 000 English people also suggested future disability and poor health could be predicted by the state of a person's mind.
It seems to me that too many people have let society program into their brains what should be expected of me, a black person, before ever interacting with me.
"Social networks are about connecting people with other people - if one person is the target of police monitoring, there will be a dragnet effect in which dozens, even hundreds, of innocent users also come under surveillance, " said Gus Hosein, the group's executive director.
But in person, Gorka can be quite shy, even around people he's known for a while.
Those familiar with the case said that some evidence points toward Russia, but the person or people responsible could be almost anywhere, perhaps using computers in Russia merely as a conduit.
Although its members may be semi-prosperous when measured by income per person, they contain a large and rising share of very poor people.
To many, networking has been viewed as a mandatory activity for sales people but perhaps as an extracurricular option for others, or an activity only to be pursued when a person is in between jobs.
The Board would likely be a group of conscientious and upstanding business people who know that shareholders are watching and that they can be removed much more readily than if a single person owned all the stock.
And a person who is not aware of the signals he is sending may also be signaling shallow thinking or deficient people skills.
FORBES: The Business of Nonverbal Communication: How Signals Reflect Your Brand
You could be playing with someone for a year straight, going and playing online competing with people, and never really knowing what that person looks like.
"It has proven to be a very cost effective way of opening up local democracy to thousands of people who would not have previously attended meetings in person, " the council said.