His pursuit of a young widow was so unrelenting he would be called a stalker today.
Then she realised that, according to the tradition of the Luhya, their ethnic group, Mr Omukuba's widow would be given to a new husband by the family elders.
The influential Roman Catholic church has suggested Marcos be buried in Batac, but his widow is a stubborn woman who longs for the seal of approval that a burial in Heroes' Cemetery would bring.
Without these, then the restriction is so nebulous as to be unenforceable, with these the estate may not be able to take a marital deduction, since his widow could have her rights taken away by someone else (i.e. whoever enforces this restriction).
As the country says goodbye to Coretta Scott King, Commentator Lester Spence reminds us she should be remembered not only for being the widow of a great civil rights leader, but also for her own work on the front lines of the freedom movement.
Police said last October the murder inquiry would be subject to a review following criticism from Mr Millen's widow Michelle.
This last December, an emergency room doc (thought to be female based on the handwriting) wrote a note to the widow of a patient she had treated in the Emergency Department of New York Presbyterian Hospital.
FORBES: ER Doc's Letter To Surviving Spouse Goes Viral (2M+ hits) On Reddit
It decreed that if a pensioner died, benefits would continue to be paid to the widow and dependents.
Every September there would be a march to Trafalgar Square to hear poignant speeches from Allende's widow, and rousing ones from Labour heroes like Michael Foot.
"I'm just praying to the Lord that it won't be as serious as what they are thinking, " said Annie Johnson, a retired widow who hid in the basement alone while the tornado busted out her windows.
Mr Finucane's widow, Geraldine, said the announcement that it would be published in full was not a guarantee of openness and transparency.
BBC: Pat Finucane murder: Vetting 'sanitises' de Silva report
In Africa and South Asia, discriminatory inheritance customs mean that when a husband dies, his family may grab the property, leaving his widow, who may be infected, penniless as well.
The widow of a man who travelled to Switzerland to end his life called for assisted suicide to be decriminalised in June 2007.
Mr Stock's widow Mandy contacted Mr Graham to say the law needed to be changed to reflect the consequences of such a crime.
BBC: Gloucester MP campaigns for dangerous driving laws reform