Killer whales might be able to eat them, Watanabe suspects, but Greenland sharks usually stay within deep water that killer whales do not frequent.
This means that eventually I may not even be able to eat the most basic of foods required to maintain an acceptable level of health free of unpleasant and distressing allergic reactions.
First of all, if you burn that many calories asking a question -- (laughter) -- you know, I mean, she's fired up. (Applause.) So you'll be able to eat whatever you want.
As Clinton ate cake this past weekend, she should have been thinking of ways not to punish everyday Koreans for a government they didn't vote for but to help them one day be able to eat cake too.
Eventually a harried housewife or a busy executive will be able to order a ready-to-eat or ready-to-cook gourmet meal for delivery by dinner time (see box).
The patient, who prefers to be anonymous, is finally able to breathe through her nose, smell, eat solid foods and drink out of a cup, Siemionow told participants of the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago over the weekend.
Although strong, "rank" smells are a clear indicator that food - especially meat - should be thrown away, the reality is people won't be able to tell if food is definitely safe to eat from smelling it, according to food expert Stefan Gates.
And if bunches of customers come forward, Psystar will be able to make those who accused it of being a scam eat their words.
He will also be able to do something he hasn't done for a long while: take his wife and four children out to eat.
Then allergy sufferers will be able to frolic in the flowers and roll in the grass and eat peanuts just like everyone else.
We will be able to absorb and retain the entirety of the universe's knowledge, eat as much as we want without gaining weight, shape-shift into just about any physical form imaginable, live free from disease and die at the time of our choosing.
To eat normally and live at a normal weight a person has to be able to tolerate her feelings as the world dishes out challenges, sometimes severe challenges.
Otherwise, in about 4 more years, debt service will eat up more and more of the budget until we will not be able to service our debt and the US economy will quickly implode under the debt burden.