Still, it took over 50 years for the practice to be accepted as a woman's right.
No tax returns will be processed and no electronically filed returns will be accepted or acknowledged.
However, Mrs Britton says the school has a revised plan which she believes will be accepted.
As it stands, Mr Kostunica's plan will not be accepted by the big powers either.
Oliver says leaders of both genders can show aggression and still be accepted by their employees.
Unsurprisingly, I agree, and I think this statement should be accepted by all and sundry.
And substantial risks often have to be accepted in pursuit of life saving medical benefit.
Children provide the clearest demonstration of this fact, although it was slow to be accepted.
She added that all paper petitions delivered to Downing Street in person would still be accepted.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Hunting support tops e-petitions
What if your child is fortunate enough to be accepted to an elite school?
We believe its upcoming food offerings would be accepted as ones with high quality.
No vital detail was ever so insignificant as to be accepted without consideration, and reconsideration.
Applications will be accepted and reviewed at that time, and any employee can apply again.
Arrangements have been made for First Great Western rail tickets to be accepted for these journeys.
BBC: Signal failure delays commuters travelling west of London
It takes time for a rival interpretation of results to be accepted as a better explanation.
Banks would be less cavalier about overbidding, as successful bids would be accepted in full.
Only computers that meet modern specifications, for example with adequate processors, will be accepted.
It added that all mainline tickets would be accepted on its high speed services.
During the celebration this year, donations will be accepted for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Neither country, it was said, would be accepted into the club of official nuclear powers.
Only one entry will be accepted per person and entries will not be returned.
Unreported use could be found without much trouble and eventually the policy would be accepted and work.
FORBES: Transforming CIOs from Benevolent Dictators to Product Managers
But there has so far been no decision on whether or not these recommendations will be accepted.
At Sunday's London Marathon, only gear stored in the official bag provided by race organizers will be accepted.
She says a woman will always be accepted as a pop princess and less easily as something else.
It speaks the lives of many young girls and what they will do to themselves to be accepted.
Gradually a wider range of materials will be accepted and buyers won't blindly follow overseas brands, Lo says.
If a man feels that catcalling won't be accepted by his peers, he is less likely to engage in the behaviour.
Not until "Pal Joey" was revived on Broadway in 1952 did it come to be accepted as a classic.
Forms will be accepted until midday on Monday, 26 November with the election being held on Wednesday, 12 December.