Those living near the fire continue to be advised to stay indoors and keep windows shut.
Investors may be advised to delve into commodities or real estate without real knowledge of either.
Women who are good candidates may therefore be advised to attempt a VBAC if the chance of success is high.
However, patients at a higher risk for complications may be advised to choose a lower-risk procedure like banding, he said.
CNN: Weight-loss surgery safe, but sleep apnea increases risk
He said more research would have to be carried out before patients could be advised to drink green tea after a heart attack or stroke.
GPs will be advised to use the body mass index, where the person's weight in kilograms is divided by his height squared in metres, to get a reading.
When a resident reports there is smoke and fire in their flat, training suggests they should be advised to seek a means of escape, the inquest was told.
Mr Gove's idea is that exam boards should still set courses but that schools would be advised to enter students for them only if they were approved by a Russell Group university.
Indeed, the sports scientists say that some people - including pregnant women and those aged 65 or older - might be advised to do slightly less exercise and modify the type of activities they do.
If Baidu is smart, it might be advised to invest in more existing companies like Qunar that already have a strong operating record, rather than trying to start its own new businesses, where its record is decidedly not so good.
You can imagine it playing on the Jerry Springer Show. ("Wall Street Spin"--following Oprah at 4:00.) Since so many Wall Street pros may soon need jobs, they might be advised to call Jerry now or at least to think about taking their act on the road to Paducah or Peoria or to places yet unfleeced.
Therefore the President would be well advised to be nice to the Congress in the SOTU. He does not have to abandon any of his positions, nor capitulate to the House.
FORBES: A Suggestion For President Obama's State Of The Union Address
Visitors to this show would be well advised to stand still before the results.
But he might be well advised to conclude that waiting until 2014 would be both statesmanlike and expedient.
CEOs who want to maximise their companies' value will be well advised to minimise their cultural promotion and focus solely on the qualities of their products.
While semiconductors via SMH are flexing their muscles and helping to drive this market, traders would be well advised to pay particular attention to the twin engine that has sputtered as of late.
FORBES: Patiently Waiting to Short: Goldman, Wells and JPMorgan
Those foolhardy enough to go for an amble in this wilderness would be best advised to join guided treks from the oasis town of Douz.
The Committee would be well advised to heed Mr. Feith's advice that emphasis should be placed upon fixing the existing Geneva convention rather than exacerbating its present shortcomings -- namely its unenforceability -- with a new treaty that will be neither verifiable, nor effective nor enforceable.
If you're in a rush to jot down some fleeting bit of brilliance, you'd be best advised to forego the pen and smash away at that onscreen keyboard with your thumbs.
ENGADGET: LG Optimus Vu review: a 5-inch, pen-enabled phone to take on the Galaxy Note
As this weekend's international break approaches, not to mention the many more that will follow, the tattooed youngster may be well advised to study his history.
If they want to set the next story before the recent trilogy, then they would be well advised to avoid any direct link to the previous games or its characters.
The nations would be well advised to regulate and tax all trade in deeded cultural property.
FORBES: There's Big Money And The Need For Reform In The Antiquities Trade
Consumer marketers in particular would be well advised to take note, and to plan for contingencies.
FORBES: Gallup: Americans' Economic Concerns Reach 2-Year High
Nevertheless, Dr Hwang might be well advised to treat his underlings more cautiously in future.
And, if history is a guide, Bush and Dukakis would be well advised to do the same.
Forbes and James may be well advised to check with faculty to learn about the difficulties facing higher education.
Indeed British tax evaders might be well advised to plant their stashes elsewhere.
As Secretary Baker negotiates on these points, he would be well advised to appreciate just how much rides on the outcome.
They aren't commenting, but given their record, public shareholders might be well advised to say no thanks to the buyout offer.