You are setting a model for what we need to be doing all across the country.
Mr Frobisher had earlier said the company was "sorry for all the delays" and would be doing a "detailed forensic investigation" to find out what had happened, which could take up to three months.
Amazon is now too big for even someone as clearly talented as Bezos to be doing all the creative thinking unaided.
Crews and his colleagues do a remarkable job in pulling all this information together, but obviously the government should be doing it for us.
After all, the executives they hired to work for them seem to be doing what they would like them to be doing: decreasing losses and increasing profits.
They quickly declared that the bombing was all Mr Netanyahu's doing and would not be allowed to derail prospects for new peace negotiations with Mr Barak's incoming government.
As I've said today in The New York Times, the irony is the Republicans are trying to re-brand themselves, attract women and minorities and younger people, and they want to spend all this money doing it, and they may be able to do it for free if they investigate and pursue this diligently, but smartly.
NPR: With White House Bogged Down By Scandal, GOP Looks For Boost
By doing so all utilities in your dig area will be located and marked for free.
The memories will remain of Jessica's enthusiasm for everything, the way she wanted to be in there doing it all and her lovely smile and cheeky nature or how Holly was the "perfect daughter" with her love of dancing and football and the way she enjoyed helping other children with her winning smile.
Those who come for a short holiday may be all right, though they tend to think they are doing you a huge favour by bringing news of civilisation.
All of which is just excellent and what most economists have been saying everyone should be doing for the past decade or more.
FORBES: The Australian Carbon Tax: Finally, Someone Gets it Right!
This may not be too terribly useful for the average home user, but for the tablet PC market doing all the buying right now (healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, of course) it drives down cost, ups reliability and security, and actually makes the generally ho-hum specs of the machine something a little more of a powerhouse on its new platform.
For the moment, though, all that matters is that the politicians are seen to be doing something.
After all, extending this tax cut and the unemployment insurance is the least of what we should be doing for working Americans.
Rather than seeing the management, upkeep and improvement of public space as a job solely for the state, this new booklet seems to be saying that it is something we should all be doing.
So congrats to Facebook for finally coming to terms with what we as consumers all inherently know to be true: we like doing business with companies we have relationships with.