If you dress in pajamas or jeans that are too tight for your frame, the person meeting with you will be drawing conclusions about you all over the map.
With few exceptions, the most compelling Ultrabooks on offer there ( this, this, this and this, for example) were built with touchscreens to help make the most of Microsoft's upcoming, touch-friendly OS. Sure, you might be loathe to track fingerprints all over your 1080p display, or maybe you agree with Mr. Cook that tablets and notebooks are best kept separate.
And that is why we have every reason -- all of you, especially our young people all over the country, you have every reason to be optimistic about what lies ahead.
If you can't watch Mad Men without wondering where to buy Don Draper's fedora, you'll be all over the video demo below.
And I know that we all look forward to some other kind of news story to cover, so I'm sure you'll be all over that.
"We created an outlet for them to feel good about themselves and tap into that youthfulness that had been put to bed for a long time ... you may be 40, but the euphoria of it makes you feel 14 all over again, " Wahlberg said.
This journey is going to be hard and there will be plenty of ups and downs over this next 21 days, all right, so you have to be prepared for that.
But here is the reality: you will never know all of the questions that will be asked because you have no control over the interviewer or his or her questions.
Moreover, why should people be choosing you and your firm over all your competitors?
And what I think everybody is concerned about is the enormous uncertainty in terms of the political framework, the tax framework, the debt framework within which all of you are going to be operating over the next several years.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at a Business Council Dinner
When people ask you over the next 22 days -- because you all are going to be out there, right?
Now, I'll be all over the state today and tomorrow, and then I think we're all going to give you a break for Thanksgiving.
CNN: Clinton's November 19, 2007, speech on economic challenges
He needs you to register those voters, right? (Applause.) And to all the college students out here, listen up -- (applause) -- if you all are going to be moving over the summer, remember to register at your new address in the fall.
For example, I want people to use my design in Northumberland as recreation - you'll be able to walk all over it.
You can be respected by others by volunteering all over the world.
They emphasise that Enron's story is first and foremost a human tale, with larger-than-life egos and ambitions that will surely be brought to a screen near you once all the trials are over.
To the active duty law enforcement officers who traveled from all over the country to be here, let me simply say, thank you.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Honors Fallen Law Enforcement Officers
If you explained all the options to all the people in all the communities of this country, I promise you over 70 percent of Republicans, Democrats and Independents -- you know, when you got above those stratospheric numbers, maybe there would be some partisan differences -- but you'd have over 70 percent of all groups for this (ph).
October is over and before you know it Black Friday will be here, and so all the studios are preparing their holiday selection.
But elsewhere, now that this incident has made the threat of external violence at endurance events all too real, you should not be surprised if registration fees rise faster than normal over the next 2-4 years as event organizers increase investments in security to ensure the safety of competitors and spectators alike.
And, you know, most if not all of the contenders will be in Jackson Hole over the next couple days.
"I am now starting to approach names from all over the world, some of whom you will know and some who might be new to your world, " said Ono.
You should be in alignment with your brand rep on all of this before you submit the application and hand over the thirty-odd-thousand dollar application fee to the franchise organization.
"When there's just thousands of people that you may have to get to, spread all over a very big city, the resources you have are never going to be enough in any one place, " Mr. Bloomberg said Tuesday.
So he can pop all over the world, so as soon as you guys are asleep he'll be in your neighborhood, okay?
"Do not overdo the clever clogs in terms of quoting (or misquoting) as there will be those present delighted to put you right just after you breathe the sigh of relief that it's all over, " I was warned.
"There's bound to be dips over the course of a season - you can't sustain the levels these guys have been at all the time, " said coach Jones.
Orvis has also included a section that has fishing reports from all over the country, and a section for flies, where, in theory anyway, you could be on a stream, spot a hatching insect, and look it up to see if you had the matching fly.