It's one thing to be arrested for posting a photo that shows you breaking the law.
He was the highest-ranking official to be arrested for corruption in five years.
It's another to be arrested for posting a photo of someone else's handiwork.
If the students continue to truant, their parents can be arrested for failing to ensure their children attend school.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Truancy: How do countries compare?
And guess who decides who is going to be arrested for what offence?
FORBES: London Riots: Who Pays? Or, When is a Riot Not a Riot?
Opposition parties demanded that Biman Bose be arrested for his aggressive statements.
Having initially vowed to fly home later this week, Mr Zelaya desisted, after officials in Tegucigalpa said he would be arrested for treason.
Personally, I'm didn't buy either the character, or the movie, even with Streep stealing scenes so often she could be arrested for grand larceny.
Twice in recent months military and political leaders from Israel have reportedly cancelled trips to Britain out of concern that they might be arrested for alleged war crimes.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The vague new crime of ��aggression��
Law enforcement informs daughter she will be arrested for trespassing.
FORBES: He Let His Mother Rot To Death While He Played Internet Poker
Motorists can be arrested for refusing to be breathalysed.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Guernsey | Police are increasing pub patrols
He was told he would be arrested for criminal damage as the bathroom toilet, extractor fan and light fitting were broken, but became aggressive and approached one of the officers with his fists clenched.
Under Funes' conservative predecessor, teenagers could be arrested just for sporting gang tattoos without having committed any crime, filling the jails to dangerous levels.
What about the thing you mentioned in connection with today, a very interesting point you made that in fact in terms of the public taking action or helping, helping the police, that they are at the moment hindered from doing that by a fear that the person, the legitimate citizen could be arrested himself for using force to try and withstand a force?
This makes them CIVIL offenses that they can be arrested and prosecuted for.
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The premises will be searched and it is possible that the person under investigation could be arrested and taken for interview under caution by the police.
BBC: NEWS | Business | Offshore tax dodging: the investigations
Abdel had moved to the Ivory Coast out of fear he would be arrested in Mauritania for being the country's most prominent activist from the slave-owning class to now campaign against slavery.
My third husband had to be arrested on my complaint for spousal abuse but after two years apart and a year of therapy on his part we reunited.
Lawyers for the people arrested couldn't immediately be located Thursday for comment.
That agreement specified that no member of the Palestine Liberation Organization will be arrested or brought to court for any action that happened prior to September 13, 1993, the day the Oslo accord was signed, Erakat said.
He has been warned he will be arrested when he leaves the embassy for breaking the terms of his bail conditions, necessitating the 24-hour guard by Metropolitan Police officers.
The Labour party argues that profiles of people arrested but not convicted should be kept for six years rather than three.
The first to be arrested, Juan Ponce Enrile, is a serial offender, having been arrested for trying to overthrow Corazon Aquino's government in the late 1980s.
Mr Grayling urged the government to adopt the Scottish system, in which the DNA of someone arrested but not convicted can be held for a period of three years, which is extendable to five.
Any breeder across the country would be arrested and charged with neglect or cruelty for things that these organizations do every single day, yet the very laws that restrict breeders to the point of extinction of some breeds are written with exemptions for anyoen falling under a non profit banner.
FORBES: Westminster, "Show Dog," and the Battle Over Purebred Puppies
In a deal reached last month with prosecutors, the "doctor shopping" charge will be dismissed if Limbaugh doesn't get arrested for 18 months.
On April 18th it was the turn of Jurdan Martitegi, who police believe had been ETA's military chief for four months, to be arrested in France.
This test comes from the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution which states that people cannot be arrested unless the authorities have "probable cause" for their action.
Tory justice spokesman Bill Aitken MSP failed in his attempt to have the bill amended so that those arrested for breaching the court order could be detained somewhere other than a police station.
"We call for assets of every person arrested to be scrutinised and where possible, seized, " he said.