It is that our brains will often be at odds with our increasingly precise digital tools.
If the situation were reversed, would an American patriot not be at odds with his sometime allies?
Harmony it seems would be at odds with this ethic, but harmony could be viewed in different ways.
Mutual funds might change in a number of ways that can be at odds with your original reasons for buying.
This would seem to be at odds with the atmospherics of Obamaland.
Yet this would seem to be at odds with our instinct that two very rare things would not happen at the same time.
Simplicity decided to stop selling to Wal-Mart because they found Wal-Mart's relentless pressure on costs to be at odds with Simplicity's mission to create high-quality products.
The action by 2, 800 staff (nearly half the workforce) at SC First Bank Korea is ostensibly over a merit-pay scheme, which would be at odds with Korean seniority-based traditions.
Without national, secure wireless network that will provide the back bone for the collection and manipulation of power data, the energy industry will always be at odds with the environment.
"There is no reason we have to be at odds with China on the energy front, " says James Woolsey, the former Central Intelligence Agency director who now concentrates on energy technologies.
Clinton herself took aim at Obama at a campaign event in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, referencing recent comments from some of his advisers that appeared to be at odds with his policy proposals.
But Clinton administration officials decided that such a trip would be at odds with the current break in diplomatic relations between the United States and Yugoslavia, unless approved by the State Department.
CNN: GOP lawmaker criticizes White House rebuff of POW mission
That impacts everything from reselling games to taking them over to a friend's house to play, but that could be at odds with game creators' desire to make sure everyone playing their games have paid for them.
However, experts say that the oil industry would naturally be at odds with the proposal for an increased renewable fuel standard, particularly since it only reluctantly accepted the current standard of 7.5 billion gallons of renewables by 2012.
There may be some quiet warnings to Blair on the fringes that if he persists in his apparent readiness to back the United States in military action against Iraq he will be at odds with many of his fellow leaders.
Your comments seemed to discount and ignore the importance of business aviation in the U.S., and appear to be at odds with your stated interest in promoting job growth, stimulating exports, driving economic recovery and restoring America to its first-place position in manufacturing.
If this were the case, he might now be offering his own point of view, which could, conceivably, be slightly at odds with what he then perceived as the best position for his client.
For a game strongly associated with the camaraderie of a night spent at crowded tables with friends any move online could be seen as being at odds with the very reasons for playing.
Mr Justice Treacy said this appeared to be "at odds" with the view taken by an American judge who reviewed the material and concluded it should be handed over.
BBC: Boston College tapes: 'writer under no increased threat'
What is more, the MCS insistence that an air fleet of 180 C-17s would be sufficient is at odds with official Air Force statements made just a year earlier, when a force of 222 planes was deemed the lowest force level advisable.
Ironically, the very success that Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS: AAPL) has had selling its products to Chinese consumers may be at least part of the reason why the Cupertino, California company found itself at odds with the powers that be in China in recent weeks.
Until recently the longest living storage media has been magnetic tape which may be kept as long at 30 years in the right environment with good odds that the data can be read back (assuming that the playback devices for that media still exist).
And every effort at odds with that duty must be exposed to the harshest scrutiny and most vigorous opposition.
Siblings can be confederates just as easily as rivals, particularly when they feel at odds with their milieu.
The question is whether or not Republicans, quite frankly, are going to be willing to accept some of the strong measures that might put them at odds with some of their campaign contributors.
However Lisa Lavia from the Noise Abatement Society said there will be a "dramatic rise" in noise complaints that will "set residents at odds with local businesses".
The Senate proposal is at odds with the White House over a key question, whether terrorist suspects should be able to see the evidence against them, even if it's classified.
"Making a decision that's good for the next two to three years and making a decision that's good for the next 20 to 30 years sometimes are at odds with each other, and being able to balance those two can sometimes be difficult, " Liddy said on the PBS program.
And then maybe -- just maybe -- today, more of our young people would be in classrooms and at jobs, instead of in custody, facing even worse odds than they started out with.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at Meeting to Address Youth Violence | The White House