On the other hand, a peculiarly British set of conditions may be at work.
This is only a micro strategy for those that have to be at work through year-end.
"It's just unfortunate that he has to be at work when we're celebrating, " she said.
The fact that Charles B's depressions lifted during the day suggested that circadian rhythms might be at work.
ECONOMIST: People, like all living things, are four dimensional
Mike Montgomery, an astronomer at the University of Texas at Austin, said another force may be at work.
Those people could be at work if they spent the money as it was legally intended to be spent.
Unfortunately, larger forces seem to be at work impeding a robust job-based recovery.
Morgan says other elements may be at work in this new fashion photo-culture.
He said he expected the majority of the 80 teachers to be at work at the college, which teaches students aged 11 to 16.
But the rate of illness had no correlation with the frequency of chilies eaten, leading to speculation that other factors may be at work.
Shu says, however, that factors beyond estrogen may be at work.
And because many in the hospitality business spend the holidays away from their own families to be at work and share in a collective resentment of the season.
But something else appears to be at work in the wordy subtitle of Defoe's most celebrated work of fiction, which is also one of the first English novels.
WSJ: Fiction as Authentic as Fact | Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe | Masterpiece by Danny Heitman
What does it even mean to be at work, given how often we check and respond to work demands on our electronic devices when we are out of the office?
But when Twilight can rival and supplant Jane Austen on the nightstand of professional, highly educated women, something more than a reshaping of a genre appears to be at work.
But Mr Bercow, formerly a Conservative MP, said most people would expect to be at work in September unless they were on annual leave and MPs should be no different.
In Rajasthan in northern India, nurses who were supposed to be staffing primary health clinics were found to be at work only 12% of the time over an 18-month period.
Most cases are thought to be spread by sneezing, but he said there other factors could be at work in Hong Kong, particularly the clusters of cases at the Hotel Metropole and an apartment complex.
Now that Facebook is known to be at work on a parallel initiative, however, it could change the dynamic for publishers, who may find playing one against the other gives them leverage they lacked until now.
Last year, it was hard for her 24-year-old brother, who has worked for Target since high school, to relax knowing he had to be at work, she said in an interview with sister network HLN.
Something else may be at work.
ECONOMIST: Edith Cresson, Europe��s controversial commissioner
What is suggested to be at work here is the concept of asperities - the idea that if you take two rough surfaces and rub them together, the peaks in one will couple with the troughs in the other, increasing friction.