However, pundits might ask, will that be so bad for a company that has been as vilified as Facebook?
That's why, if he has his way, Team Bad Company will soon be known as Team Caterpillar, Team American Express, or anything else that reflects a successful pitch to lure a corporate sponsor.
This can be bad news for investors, because the company only has an incentive to repay the obligation early when interest rates have declined substantially.
Shares of this soon-to-be-independent company seem likely to be a classic opportunity to buy low during bad times in order to, hopefully, sell higher later on, when times are better and everybody loves educational publishing.
So this may be one more piece of bad news for any company hoping to develop a new cholesterol drug.
But when things go bad, or the company appears to be troubled, the investor wants his money protected, and the entrepreneur might see a conflict in the level of concern.
But in the coming months of war and bad economic times it won't be the only company that will try to wiggle out of contractual obligations.
The company in late April warned that results would be bad, and they were.
But Simon Topman, CEO of the Acme Whistle Company, said that stamp duty would be a bad idea and wanted a more transparent way of raising taxes.
No matter what other companies seem to be doing, or how bad the stock price gets hammered, the company founded by Steve Jobs is still dominating.
FORBES: At Disrupt NY When It Comes To Mobile, It's All About Apple
Investing a large part of a corporate pension fund in the company's own shares turned out to be a particularly bad idea: when Enron went bust, many of its employees lost their entire pension entitlement.
But as bad as the potential damage to Carnival's image may be, the company, as well as the rest of the cruise line industry, has an opportunity to blunt the impact, if it acts quickly and wisely.
But if all that does nowadays is place us in the company of people like Warren Buffet, it might not be such a bad thing.
And if the balance stays out of whack--if every company wants to be private and none public--that will be bad for the future of American democratic capitalism.
"When your goal is to be the biggest company and own the most funeral homes, you start to make bad decisions, " Henican says of his larger rivals.
One might expect that at the ripe old age of 100 the company would be creaking along with brittle bones, weak knees, a bad heart, and finding it hard to get up in the morning.
Number 5: Employees simply cannot be trusted and will likely say things in social networks that will become bad publicity for your company.
With that precedent set, shareholders knew that at the merest whiff of a bad rumor they'd better bail out of a bank or insurance company, or their money could be obliterated.