Some events may be beyond our control, but this is something we can control.
They believe that a widening of the war will create conditions which would be beyond the control of the Pakistani security forces and may harm the country irreparably.
Mr Hicks said he had always spoken in good faith, but added that if lawyers insisted the report were not to be published, it would be beyond his control.
Second is the concern that the militancy in the valley may already be slipping beyond the control of ISI.
However, owing to the fact that any cancellations would be beyond airlines' control, there is no automatic right to other compensation.
The groups responsible for the carnage may be beyond General Musharraf's control.
But, as capricious tax bills levied by freelancing officials have attested, the forces unleashed by the Yukos affair may be beyond Mr Putin's control.
Boomer intentions to work into retirement represent a more realistic assessment of retirement overall, but good intentions can be upset by circumstances beyond your control (your health, caregiver demands, job cuts).
If due to circumstances beyond Turner control the stated prize cannot be provided, Turner reserves the right to award a substitute prize of equal value.
To be fair, Kodak has suffered from forces beyond its control.
While economic figures can always be put down to greater forces beyond the chancellor's control, these kind of fiascos are home-grown.
So, a volcano is an 'act of God', weather is an 'act of God', even a civil disturbance - any event beyond the airline's control - can be considered an 'act of God'.
But she said they could be demoralised if they feel their hospital is performing badly for reasons beyond their control.
It is too early to say whether the airlines will be able to claim that the circumstances of the current dispute were beyond their control.
He said he would not make "promises that can not be kept" on cutting immigration from within the EU, which is beyond the control of British governments.
And if I may add, given that you have just witnessed the difficulties of averting economic problems beyond your control, what state do you think the economy will be in when you face reelection next year?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Press Conference on the G20 Summit
The OED told the BBC that it was beyond the software engineer's control to determine how the word should be said.
And like all objects, they cannot be held responsible for anything they do because they are wholly controlled by forces beyond their control.
"I apologise for the inconvenience that my withdrawal may cause but I trust you understand, the situation is beyond my control and I would much rather participate in the tournament than be in the current position regarding my health, " Murray said in a letter to the Shanghai tournament organisers.
Moreover, Soviet police mechanisms (army, militia and KGB) remain within Union control and beyond the reach of the judiciary -- which would, in any event, not be independent of the central authorities in Moscow.