This may be born of something as innocuous as your pension premium claim, or the base cost you gave for a capital gains disposal.
This indicates that song and speech may be born of something that men and women once did (and may still do) somewhat differently from each other.
As Obama said Friday, he wants to try to "get past the habit" that ideas can be born out of one "ideological corner" or another.
"Just as with Nintendo DS and Wii, a number of new game ideas will be born to take advantage of these new control mechanisms, " he said.
But he gardens for people who will not be born for hundreds of years.
That would explain how Harry's friend Hermione could be a wizard born of muggle parents.
In Istanbul he placed in a cradle a fish dressed in infant's clothing, dramatising a prophecy that the messiah would be born under the sign of Pisces.
It may be a tactic born out of necessity rather than belief but the truth is that the Greek people - in significant numbers - have turned against austerity in exchange for EU loans.
Singapore's total fertility rate, which represents the number of children that would be born to a woman if she were to live to the end of her child-bearing years, has been below the population replacement rate for more than three decades.
Singapore's total fertility rate of 1.2, which represents the number of children that would be born to a woman if she were to live to the end of her child-bearing years, has been below the population replacement rate for more than three decades.
Born in Detroit, Michigan, he was the first member of the band to be born in the city with which they became synonymous.
Some leaders seem to be born with these intuitive types of thinking skills.
Much the same can be said of Asian women born in South-East Asia, a category that includes refugees from Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.
He said he believes as the surgical technique continues to improve, it will allow for earlier surgeries and babies may be born without any visible evidence of previous surgery.
CNN: Study: Major benefits for spina bifida surgery in the womb
That makes hard to dismiss with the usual ad hominem charges of "racism, " "bigotry" and "Islamophobia" the questions he believes must be asked of Lebanon-born Imad Afif "David" Ramadan before this candidate is given a mandate to represent the people of Virginia's 87th District.
But it will be harder for the foreign-born descendants of Canadians to become citizens: in future, only the first generation would be able to do so automatically.
Policy-makers note a "cultural generation gap, " and wonder whether "aging whites" will remain committed to paying taxes for the public schools as they fill with children of color, and whether a diverse and foreign-born generation of young adults will be eager to care for and fund programs for those aging whites.
The Cardiff-born writer will be the guest of honour at Aberystwyth Arts Centre to take part in the Rich Text Festival, which is a showcase for new fiction in Wales.
Being born early can sometimes be the result of insufficient prenatal care, or just bad luck.
But we can all remind ourselves that the richness of this country was not born in the resources of the earth, though they be plentiful, but in the men that took its measure.
The flight of the "lad that's born to be king, " as the wistful "Skye Boat Song" has it, became the stuff of brooding legend, novels and of shortbread-biscuit tins.
None of this seemed to be in Mr Dube's future when he was born, the sickly first son of a single mother on a run-down farm in East Transvaal.
It showed that each child born will be facing a lifelong financial burden of JPY 16, 000, 000 just to maintain the system.
According to the South African minister for water and environmental affairs, Edna Molewa, if something is not done by 2016 the number of rhinos being born will be outnumbered by those being killed.
On the other hand, it is this resolute over-egging of the pudding that gives "The House of Silk" its charm: a kind of constant creative exuberance, born of a suspicion that unless every single element of the Holmes legend can be brought to the feast, the story is bound to fall flat.
"Whereas if you are born in the year of the Bull, born in winter, these people need to be out front meeting people and being aggressive, " he adds.
People were born to live not to be killed needlessly because of acts committed by others.
The Thompson Reuters Foundation released a list today of the most dangerous countries to be born a woman.
To compensate, more boys are born than girls so there will be equal numbers of young men and women at puberty.
Asian immigrants and their U.S.-born descendants tend to be better educated: half of all Asians over 25 have a college degree, almost twice the national average.